I have well over 100 cherry shrimp breeding like crazy in a 10g tank. If I put a betta in there would it just eat every shrimp in there or would it just lower the population to a more manageable level?
Hi, I have had two Bettas with about 10-15 red RCS in separate tanks. Both were male Crowntails and they actually had very different personalities. One was spunkier and would pursue the RCS more actively and occassionally catch one. The other one was more laid back and would rarely go after them. I have always had my Bettas in community tanks and noticed that they don't pursue anything for very long. In my case the RCS were healthy and quick and had a place to hide and the Betta quickly got bored with chasing them.
Just my experience . . . hope it helps
PS. Even in my 10 gallon I had lots of live plants and a piece of wood with lots of places for the shrimp to hide.
IMO bettas couldnt really knock out a full population so that would be fine although they might not eat any at all or maybe just murder the RCS so it depends.