Betta And A Dwarf Puffer

The only time ive had a problem was when i introduced a couple of zebra danios to the tank, which i quickly sorted by moving them on to my father in laws tank, now all is good... it all depends on the fish itself...
It really doesn't 'depend on the fish themselves'. :/

For example, in your 95l tank you have one discus; a fish that should be kept in groups in a tank of at least 200l.

Discus, neon tetras and most gouramis need very soft, acidic water.

Your dozen guppies need hard, alkaline water to thrive.

You can't have both hard and soft water in the same tank, so one of those groups isn't going to do very well.

And that's just a couple of the issues with your stocking. You also have temperature issues; discus need much warmer water than your other fish.

There maybe other problems too; what's a 'pygmy'? What exact species are your 'bottom dwellers'?

As I said, you might have been lucky enough to get away with this up to now, bit that doesn't mean that it will continue, especially when you're not giving them the conditions they need to thrive, and it certainly doesn't mean that anyone else should be trying it.

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