Betta Always Flaring

Aug 20, 2006
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Calgary Alberta
My Betta seems to be able to see it's reflection in the sides of it's aquarium, and when the lights are on, all he does is flare/bite/wave his tail at himself! I know it is good to allow your betta to exercise his fins for a short period everyday, but is it healthy to have him doing it so much!?
hm.. I have a CT who did that when I put him in a bigger tank with a black background. How long has yours been doing this? Mine eventually calmed down after the first three days of non-stop flaring at everything, and now he's fine. Is he hurting himself/ripping his fins?
he should get bored of seeing "Another male betta" but relising he cant get it to... because it isnt a betta its his reflection lol. As long as he isnt breathy really heavy or biting his tail it shouldnt be a problem... if you are starting to worry then turn the lights off so he doesnt flare at himself so much
Thanks guys. Had him for a few weeks now, only a few days back did he start flaring at himself. No shreading his tail or anything, he is a halfmoon plakat so I can tell he has that feisty personality :lol: Hopefully he will calm down a little bit, soon.
did your Betta ever calm down because I am having the SAME exact problem. I just got mine
did your Betta ever calm down because I am having the SAME exact problem. I just got mine
hi and welcome to betta world!
if you just got him, most likely he will clam down in the coming weeks. there are measures you can take in th e meantime. put backing on the sides of the tank so as to limit the reflection from the glass. he is probably just hyper in his new surroundings trying to make sure he keeps the "intruder" out of his space. eventually he will realize that he cant "get to" the other betta (his reflection) and he'll calm down.
have fun with your new fish!

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