Best YouTube channels

I watch a lot of music videos and videos in relation to death on YouTube. In some way, it fascinates me videos that has got to do with death. But not in a creepy way. It's interesting.
I could tell you what my favorite youtube channels are, but none of them deal with fish keeping. :lol: For that, I prefer reading up from several different sites I trust, or asking people right here on the forum.
your Youtube channel is a really good one! love the music and fish.
Foo the Flowerhorn is a fantastic youtube channel! He’s most famous for his nano Walstad tanks, but he has posted videos of his flowerhorns and oscars as well. His channel is mostly about calming fish footage and music, but he does explain via in-video text what he’s doing to set up and maintain tanks, plants, and livestock. So even though it’s definitely not a “how-to” or advice channel, I’ve learned a lot from his content.

Unfortunately, he hasn’t posted any videos in over a year :( I hope he’s doing okay. I know he’s run into issues with people plagiarizing him in the past…
Kaity's Cichlids.
She has two awesome African tanks which are a worth a look at. She also visits shows and shops and makes videos on those. A straightforward channel which is always interesting to watch.
What are the most informative and helpful channels on YouTube?

Are there any?
Fishstory, this guy Alex is amazing with his knowledge and research and doesn't do the boring "I'm opening this box" videos., Keeping fish simple he's great at sharing his knowledge on breeding, Green Aqua for some beautiful scapes, and a young Japanese lad called Ryo Watanabi, other than that they're all much of a muchness with the odd bit of gold thrown in.
As mentioned above, MD Fish Tanks is exceptional; cheerful, very active, prolific, explanatory whilst doing things, very little talking head boredom, attractive tank set-ups, honest when things go wrong. You do have to put up with cheeky-chappy male banter, but it's a small price to pay, and often it lightens the mood...
As mentioned above, MD Fish Tanks is exceptional; cheerful, very active, prolific, explanatory whilst doing things, very little talking head boredom, attractive tank set-ups, honest when things go wrong. You do have to put up with cheeky-chappy male banter, but it's a small price to pay, and often it lightens the mood...
I agree that he's entertaining and good at what he does but his knowledge about fish and their needs is lacking.

I tend to watch YouTube for entertainment purposes more than informative reasons. If I want to learn something about fish, I come here or do my research through Seriously Fish. Saying that though, Gary Lange is a rainbow fish expert and he's been interviewed a fair few times on YouTube so that's handy for me

George Farmer is another chap I like to watch for his aquascapes and MJ Aquascaping too

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