Best Way To Remove Anemone


Fish Fanatic
Dec 3, 2005
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i have had an atlantic anemone in my tank for about 2 months but it has grown enormous and is trying to reach out for everything in its path ie corals fish etc. i want to take it back to my lfs but was wondering how to remove it without damage. it has pushed itself under rock on substate and it then reaching upwards not sure how much under rock though. any ideas please
The safest way to remove an anenome is to get a large bit of ice and place it near thefoot of the anenome. It will retract the foot away from the cold. Keep doing this until you have the foot completely removed. The anenome isnt damamged and everyone is happy. However your situation is not as straight forward from what i can see. Is there any way you can move the rock to expose the foot?
The safest way to remove an anenome is to get a large bit of ice and place it near thefoot of the anenome. It will retract the foot away from the cold. Keep doing this until you have the foot completely removed. The anenome isnt damamged and everyone is happy. However your situation is not as straight forward from what i can see. Is there any way you can move the rock to expose the foot?
it is the bottom rock typical really . i could try and lift it slightly. how far do they normally go in
Hmmm that depends on the size of the anenome really. I have a malu and its done the same thing (perhaps its a way of defending the foot against predators?)
My malu is about 8 inches across and the foot is a good 6-8 inches further back in the underside of the rock. :(
Hmmm that depends on the size of the anenome really. I have a malu and its done the same thing (perhaps its a way of defending the foot against predators?)
My malu is about 8 inches across and the foot is a good 6-8 inches further back in the underside of the rock. :(
ok cheers. i have a malu to it been in for about 6 weeks and it doing ok i think it was a white/ lime green colour when i bought it but it has slowly been changing over last week to a brown colour on the ends. is this ok do you think. only thing is it not attached to nothing as such it just by rock not actually under it like atlantic and closes up into a ball sometimes
White is not a malus natural colouration.
Many people buy these from their LFS when they see their dramatic white colour with purple tips (they do look nice) but this is a sing of stress and it means that its dumped its sybiotic algae. Its possible to nurse the anenome back of course but its not easy. They can settle down and retake in new fresh symbiotic algae from the water after a while. Once they do this they revert back to their normal colouration of brown with pink/purple tips.

Mine is currently white but seems to have settled in well, over time it should regain its natural colour.
I wish I would have known that about the ice! I had to actually take the anemone out of the water and chisel off that part of the rock it was extravagantly embedded in. It was a condylactic, and was completely fine. It was bought at my LFS less than a week later too.
i hade to move mine also amenones will go to the light so what i did was tun the rock so the anemone is away fom the light it will start to mover around the rock and back to the ligh this should bring him out of the crevis at theis time you can SLOWLY and GENTLY starting from one are peel the bbt of the rock i hade a small one and when i have to move him it takes about 5 minets for me to move him if you do it slow enough he should be fime just take your time (i have hade tom move mine about 4 times in the past eyar he is still doing great just go slow and dont tair anything and the anemone and you will be good to go)
I'm sure the guy would be kicking himself by now... literally if in 5 years he hadn't solved the problem :lol:

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