Best Way To Clean A Shrimp Tank

Other shrimp such as the long arm macro species are known to attack live fish, but Amano shrimp are peaceful and will struggle to kill a fish with their tiny claws.

The quote you posted says nothing about them killing live fish, just eating those that are already dead.

Hi, Shrimper,

No, it actually wasn't intended to, just using some examples that I'd previously encountered in illustrating the points
A) that hunger can stimulate uncharacteristic behaviour, (I'd rather thought the comment about my also doing so under the same extreme circumstances was an indication of this, and this was also unmentioned in, and not taken from, the quote) and that
B) terms such as 'algae eater' and 'meat-eater' aren't necessarily restrictive but sometimes more general.

This was in response to the comment quoted directly above it stating that as an algae eater, Amano shrimp would not eat a dead snail, which was what the quoted article was intended to answer, including as it did a specific reference to their consuming carcasses.

I don't expect I phrased it very well, as it was an additional example unrelated to the article quotes, which, (had it occurred to me,) I'd have thought, evidently mistakenly, the additional example forming the closing comment would have made clear.

I'd best also hasten to add that my mummy doesn't really smack me silly for not eating my vegetables, and that this, also, was not included in, or bearing direct reference to, the article quotes.
It was in (intended as humourous) illustration of the fact that the term 'meateater' does not prevent my eating fruit or vegetables any more than the term 'algae eater' necessarily prevents shrimp from also eating carrion.

I was certainly not intending to imply Amano or Amano type shrimp were fish killers.
In fact the statement was that 'I've heard that if really hungry they'll make a grab at live fish' - not that I'd heard they'd ever succeeded, but that I'd heard that they had in extreme circumstance attempted, in desperation, to capture live fish.
And the quote you used was '...Amano shrimp are peaceful and will struggle to kill a fish with their tiny claws.'
Not stating that they would never ever dream of any such thing even if starving to death, but 'will struggle to' do so, as not constructed for the task.

So, my apologies for not making myself clear, and I do hope that I've at last succeeded in doing so.
May I say 'ooops', as I do rather frequently?
Of course, the original statement would have been far shorter had I only presented it correctly, however, as I've once again been up all night because I'm too flipping tired to sleep, I'm certainly not doing any better now.

But thank you for pointing out and providing me with a chance to clarify what was evidently a not easily understandable introduction.
We'll see if this provides more accuracy or confusion, lol.
Because, honestly, I'm much too giggly right now to care.
Maybe later.

Edit - and I missed another boob I potentially made, too.
Just noticed the person I quoted said 'snails' - and I merely assumed DEAD snails because of the previous comment stating, and the general acceptance gained, that the snails consumed were dead or could not have been dragged from their shells.
Holy Cow - I may have set a record for multiple boobs - and I don't think I can finish this joke on this family forum...
Good heavens, Call the Book of World Records.
IF LIVE snails, rather than dead, were intended in the quote, I abase myself further, because I actually agree that that seems unlikely, barring starvation.
If he meant DEAD snails, then I can probably make the record books anyway even without that error.
It's amazing how when the brain shuts down the mouth opens...
I feel I should reply after your essay :p

Not that i've got anything to add, you explained it quite wel :lol:
i dont appreciate being called a bullshi***r

like i said the snails were a couple of years old and T has said to be dragged out of their shells they had to be dead
which i never took their pulse at the time i seen the shrimps dragging the first one out of its shell

they do eat the baby rashorns and if i can get a pic or vid of them doing it when they get in the big tank i will post it here

until then you can call me a bullshi***r but i was only passing on my experience which is what this forum is for

Now i have juvey apple snails i'm going to try again and see what happens
I feel I should reply after your essay :p

Not that i've got anything to add, you explained it quite wel :lol:

That actually surprises me, I'm having an interesting life right now...
But if you're being tactful, I'm appreciative.
i dont appreciate being called a bullshi***r

like i said the snails were a couple of years old and T has said to be dragged out of their shells they had to be dead
which i never took their pulse at the time i seen the shrimps dragging the first one out of its shell

they do eat the baby rashorns and if i can get a pic or vid of them doing it when they get in the big tank i will post it here

until then you can call me a bullshi***r but i was only passing on my experience which is what this forum is for

Now i have juvey apple snails i'm going to try again and see what happens

Yeah, the poster certainly didn't phrase his disagreement in an appropriate fashion, which was one of the reasons I answered it.
But I know lots of times recently I've noticed later that I've phrased things in a very unfortunate manner without intending to - so maybe he's short of sleep as well, and didn't mean to be insulting to you.

Obviously, the fact of disagreement provides no excuse for rudeness, but I expect once he realizes how that comment sounded, he'll apologise, but was likely entirely unaware of the effect produced.

At least you've pointed out the fact that he's hurt your feelings, so his response will show his intentions.

Producing a video of your shrimp eating live snails will certainly prove your point, and add to information on those shrimp.
Even some smaller fish do sometimes eat baby snails...

I do hope you don't think it was Shrimper who responded so rudely because it wasn't.

And I do hope you won't let your feelings be hurt too badly over what was likely an unintendedly rude response.

I can't imagine anyone being deliberately rude to you.
Hmmm if they eat ramshorn babies I might just get some rams. I quite like the blue and red ones but I dont want to be overrun with them. Now they do kill other snails. My x used to breed apple snails and she ended up with a load of rams that she quite liked at first. Then when they got to plague proportions they would literally swarm over the apple snails and eat them alive. You know on second thoughts my apples are doing great and I have all the colours I not to risk them.

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