Best Type Of Flourish To Use?


Fish Crazy
Feb 28, 2006
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Hi, I've read many good things on Seachem Flourish and wanted to try it out, but wasnt sure which would be best for my tank as they are a few different types (Flourish normal, Flourish Excel, Flourish Phosphate etc)

My tank is a community lightly planted with the following plants:

- Thin Vals
- Giant vals
- Anubias
- java moss
- java fern
- crypts
- amazon swords

These plants are doing pretty well at the moment, but thought it would do even better with Flourish.

I was deciding between the normal Flourish and Flourish Excel, since the latter provides some sort of Co2 for the plants.

Any advice would be appreciated.
Hi, I've read many good things on Seachem Flourish and wanted to try it out, but wasnt sure which would be best for my tank as they are a few different types (Flourish normal, Flourish Excel, Flourish Phosphate etc)

My tank is a community lightly planted with the following plants:

- Thin Vals
- Giant vals
- Anubias
- java moss
- java fern
- crypts
- amazon swords

These plants are doing pretty well at the moment, but thought it would do even better with Flourish.

I was deciding between the normal Flourish and Flourish Excel, since the latter provides some sort of Co2 for the plants.

Any advice would be appreciated.

Flourish is a general plant fertilizer, and Flourish Excel provides carbon that can be utilised by plants (reputedly has as algicide affect as well-seems to in my tank). They can be used together as opposed to one or the other. Flourish Phosphate/nitrogen etc are used in the EI system, and can be used in conjuction with the other 2. See the post above about EI. You can mix your own phosphate/nitrate etc cheaper than the Flourish mixtures.

If you set on using Seachem products then go with the Floursh to start and see how you go, depending on your tap water you may not need to add Phosphate or Nitrate.

Be advised that there are much cheaper alternatives out there! Such as the aqua-essentials trace elements mix.

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