Best thing to increase flow?

Tropical Tony

Fish Crazy
May 4, 2020
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Hi guys,

I’ve just bought an aqua one ocellaris 1400 external filter for my 150l aquarium. The flow rate is claiming 1400lph but it seems a lot less. What can I put in there to increase the flow? Has anyone had any experience with wave makers in a planted tank?
I just put in a Hydor Koralia powerhead because I got a rubberlip pleco, which lives in fast-flowing streams, and after lots of digging around the internet, that seemed like the easiest way to create the right conditions. I set it up about about a third of the way along the tank and aimed it to the side, so there's an area with less current if the fish want a break. But all the fish in that tank live in rivers, so they can deal with it pretty well. I wouldn't put it in my other tank, where I have African killifish which live in stagnant water holes. If you have things like bettas or gouramis, I wouldn't recommend it, either. There are faffier ways to increase aeration if you need to keep your current low. Not sure what they are, though.
Do you have a reason for wanting a high flow or are you chasing numbers? I have an ocellaris 850 (which I assume is smaller than a 1400) in a 200 litre tank and that is more than enough. In fact I have reduced the flow by adding a sponge pre-filter. Make sure your hoses are as short as possible and as vertical as possible (but don't forget you have to remove the lid :))
Thanks guys,

on my external the hoses are cut as short as possible (with a little slack). I’ve got the hose connector on the outlet (not the spray bar) but it just doesn’t seem as powerful as I thought it would be. I can see bits of debris building up on plant leaves I thought that by putting in a filter of this size it would be gathering everything up haha.
My tank runs a Fluval 307 and a Fluval U4. Don't know the filter you have or if it's similar in size and flow. To be honest, they did a perfectly adequate job for the corys, tetras, and bristlenose pleco. I only got the powerhead because the rubberlip requires very specific conditions, and I was not sure if my two filters were providing that. The tetras were a bit alarmed when I first installed the powerhead, but they've since adapted. The corys and bristlenose could not have cared less.
Just gently swirl around the leaves with your hand if it bothers you. I have the same Koralia powerhead as @Gypsum in one of my tanks. But only because the fish in there love (and need) a high flow. The other two tanks have minimal flow because that is what the fish need.

I don't know what fish you have, but many of the fish typically kept in tropical aquaria really don't appreciate a high flow.
Thanks. It’s mostly just terras at the moment and probably going to put some rams in there. Would you recommend increasing the flow or just leaving it?
If you mean tetra most species do not like fast flowing water. Rams definitely don't. So I would leave it as is.

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