Best Testing Kit


New Member
Jun 8, 2008
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Hi ijust got a resea testing kit to test for PH Alk No2 etc

All the colours seem very similar and its hard to determine whats going on, can anyone recommend a goods kit thats easy to use and accurate?

the salifert range is known to be one of the better test kit ranges as it is very accurate, the few that i have that are salifert are easy to read.
Yes, I have started converting to the salifert testing kits as they are almost foolproof when reading because they measure volumes of the chemicals used instead of comparing colors :good: Can be a bit pricey but worth it IMO
If you can't find Salifert, you can also use Seachem test kits, they're a close second in terms of accuracy
Yeh, I use Seachem and I am really happy with it. I bought a kit that has it all in one box. It's very easy to use and stays neat in the box.
Yep, salifert test kits are the most accurate hands down ime. They're a bit expensive here in the states though.
I've been searching the net for a few minutes and haven't found a master test kit for salifert. Anyone know where to find one?
Holey Cow!! That'll add up really fast, then. I see why Sea Turtle said a couple hundred $. To get all the necessary tests for a reef system, it'd probably be about that.
I really hate those test kits that the colors look so similar, and you can't get accurate readings.
While the Salifert ph test kit is excellent regarding ph ranges and colours, and the nitrate test kit is quite good, too, it's not the best at phosphates very low. For that I use the D-Deltec test kit (30 GBP, that is here in the UK three times the price of a Salifert phosphate kit).

In the US you could consider LaMotte or Hach. They should be similar in accuracy and price.
The only salifert test kits I have are calc, alk, and mg, the rest can be done with more affordable kits

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