Best Tank Set-up For Severums?


New Member
May 23, 2007
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Montreal, Canada
I've just bought a new 130 gallons tank. It's 72X18X24. I'll soon start transfering my fish in it, from their tiny 35 gallons tank (I'll keep it as a hospital tank). I've got two severums (and a gibbiceps and a blood parrot). They've all grown so much over the last year, that's why I've had to purchase a new tank. I wasn't expecting such fast growth...

I love my severums and I want them to be happy! I've tried to find some info on them, but I'm not sure on what kind of tank set-up they like. I've noticed that my larger severum is very aggressive and territorial. He often chases the smaller one. This one hides a lot, while the other doesn't. So must I provide a lot of hiding place or do they like to have a lot of swimming area? What kind of decorations do they like? Rocks, plants, wood? I've got some wood for the gibbiceps (from my old tank), but I am hesitating before buying more, as it tends to give a yellowish tinge to the water. As they're getting so big, it's hard to create hiding places large enough to accomodate them!

Also, I was thinking about adding a small jack dempsey or two. Is that a good idea?
Okie dokie...

In my opinion Jack Dempsey's are a bad idea...from what I know they get very large and very aggressive and with other Cichlids not the best BUT I have never owned one.

I found if you can afford plants the Severums will demolish them but seemingly with great golden severum just munches elodea and swims around and follow's me around my room when I pass the tank so my Severum really doesn't need much.

You should get a nice bit of drift wood then over the course of a week set up BOILING hot water and soak it each day that should get rid of the yellowish tinge which is Tanin which leaks into the water.... I have found some cichlids prefer tanin stained water such as Waroo's and my Severum didn't care Lol.

Place some rocks and large cave like structure's for the chased Severum is best...
I was told that the most hardy plants would survive, especially those that are slightly toxic... the severum would (apparently) try to chew them, find out they taste horrible, and let them alone... or so I've been told at the aquarium shop. They also had a huge 250+ gallons tank filled with various cichlids and they had plants in them. They seemed to thrive. I was thinking about trying those.

The yellow-tinge that wood makes in the water isn't dangerous?
Not dangerous to my tank was a wood colour a few months ago and it actually made some of my fish less timid....I find that many plants is good but the severum will eat alot of it but with proper C02 and care they should be fine... I actually enjoy having plants such as elodea just as a nice treat for my severum he loves to munch on them until I enter the room then he want's flakes, blood worms etc... the plants should also create cover for the other Severum if there are lot's of plants
You will probably want to add any new fish to your new tank before adding your already aggressive severum and his buddies. I've kept JDs with severums a few times without problems..

The more hiding places the better.. driftwood will work well to create territories.

You just have to be sure you have places for the fish to hide from the dominant one.
It sure is hard to find enough stuff to create enough covers in such a large aquarium. I went rock-hunting a few days ago with my bf. We brought back as many rocks as we could, but it's not nearly enough...
It's tough too cause of their weird body shape..

PVC pipe doesn't really work, clay pots don't really work..

Rocks are a good idea.. and free!
Wood is the best hiding place for severums in my experience. Pieces providing caves when lent against the back are what mine like.
I would advise

Dim light
Sandy bottom
Some cave's / wood big enough for them to hide under

Decent quality cichlid pellet, occasional feeds of cucumber and peas.

That's it... they really are undemanding beautiful fish.
I'd vary their diet more than that if possible. Mine are currently getting: flake (two types), pellets (3 types), bloodworm, prawn, brineshrimp, daphinia, glass worms, pea's, courgette, cucumber, catfish pellets and anything else I have they can eat. The more you can vary the diet the better in my opinion.
I'd vary their diet more than that if possible. Mine are currently getting: flake (two types), pellets (3 types), bloodworm, prawn, brineshrimp, daphinia, glass worms, pea's, courgette, cucumber, catfish pellets and anything else I have they can eat. The more you can vary the diet the better in my opinion.

Horses for courses.... I feed my fish almost exclusively on New Life Spectrum foods... all are V healthy.
Indeed a prepared food, which has been designed for the fishes needs will always keep the fish healthy. However I get best results when I add other things into their diets.

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