I think these guys are too "touchy" about frontosa. Like, they almost "worship"them and keep them in prime(That's different to optimum, or just work out) and are very aggresive towards any sign of seemingly "neglet" behavior. Fronts are strong. What's the big deal with them?
Return to the main topic:as for tankmates, fish that are big, slow and peaseful are best. Favorites include Malawian Crytocara morreii and Tanganikan Benthochromis tricoti, but acually are quite a number of fish that could work out, provided that all the specie's requirements complement each other.
But one thing is true....Fronts are big fish, and giving them the biggest tank you can afford is best. And as your own pet fish, you should keep good care of them....Which is of course what you will do.
I stand by your side...Some people are so picky about fronts....