Best Snail?

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Jun 2, 2013
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I want 1 snail to go in my bettabtank it is a 27L with plants what is the best one for just a general tidy up of the tank?
I've got an assassin snail and it seems to do a good job :) I've heard nerite snails are good too
If you are just putting 1, you wan't it to be a really neat looking one.   I suggest one of the more colorful nerites, a giant ramshorn, or a very colorful mystery snail.   Those IMO are the prettiest snails.
ive got zebra nerite and thorned spiral in my 28l shrimp tank. they do an excellent job. highly recomended.
Ramshorn snail is best. Giant ramshorn snails will eat plants, and nerites need too much algae.
I'm really a fan of mystery snails, and I find that the black and Inca (yellow) tend to leave plants alone as long as they are well fed. They will eat any dead plant matter though, so they often get blamed for eating plants.
You might also want to throw in a few Malaysian trumpet snails in the aquarium. They are amazing at cleaning up any leftovers in the tank, and they also eat algae off of the glass at night.

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