Best Small Fish? ~1 Inch


New Member
Nov 1, 2009
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I have a 75 gallon, and want to stock it with something like 30+ small fish like Neon Tetras, but I don't want Neon Tetras.
Any other great tiny fish?
Harlequin rasbora are very nice 
Can you provide some more details.
Is the tank and filter cycled?
Have you got your tank planted with live plants?
What are your water stats?
pH, and if you have these - gH, kH (if you don't, you can find some information on water hardness on the website of your local water authority.)
That way we will have a more accurate idea what would be more suitable for your tank and water.
2nd the Harlequin Rasboras ...great schooling fish...the larger the group the better...I have 10 in my 35 gallon tall hex ..... can live in a wide variance in water parameters...very hearty fish...very peaceful so should be in tank with other peaceful type fish
read all about it here:
I have over fifty rummy-nosed tetras, they school when they feel like it and seem to be quite long-lived.
I vote for a large school of danios: hardy, always active, color up nice, and school. Either Zebras or a mixed school of zebra, leopard and pearl danios. Physically very similar but the different colors and patterns will give interest and they will school (shoal?) together. Zebras though have always been a favorite since my first tank in the 60's.

If you wanted a cooler tank then White Clouds, under the right conditions their colors pop and they will breed almost as readily as live bearers.
I'll second the Celestial Pearl Danios.  I have a shoal of 40+ and they're spectacular.  
AS Ch4rlie and essjay mentioned above, it's essential that we know what your water parameters are before providing the correct advice :)
I'll 3rd the harlequin rasbora's. A lovely little fish that schools well in high numbers. I have around 20 midnight rasboras myself and my mind has been made up that these are one fish I'll always keep. As the older one's die they'll be replaced straight away

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