Best Shrimps

Amano/ghost shrimp are quite small, and eat general leftovers off the bottom of the tank.
I second that, they are great wee shrimps, in a 30 gallon you could get 3-4 and they will be a good little clean up crew.....what other fish do you have though?
Yeah you can't go wrong with amano shrimp. Depending on what other fish you have, you could get some cherry shrimp.

They are by far my favourite shrimp. Not only are the IMO the nicest looking shrimp but they do a great job of eating algae and left over food, juist as good as amano's.

Cherry shrimp are really small though and could be eaten by most fish. Even my neons terrorised them for a while. :huh:

I have in my aquarium

1 Silver dollar approx 4"
5 adult sunset platies (approx 50 fry seperate tank)
6 Emerald eye rasbora
8 Glowlight tetras
3 golden weather loaches
3 peppered cats
1 Siamese fighter

I think that is it, unfortunately I am soon going to have to get rid of my silver dollar as he is starting to get too big for the tank and he is only in the small one as I was made to get rid of my 4ft tank which he was originally in along with a few of the others.
1 Silver dollar approx 4"
5 adult sunset platies (approx 50 fry seperate tank)
6 Emerald eye rasbora
8 Glowlight tetras
3 golden weather loaches
3 peppered cats
1 Siamese fighter

in my opinion unless your tank has a lot of hiding places it is not advisable to get shrimps, amano or cherry alike.... the rule of thumb is that if the shrimp can fit inside the fishes mouth, it would most likely consume it.... (this is not always applicable)

im worried about the loach because loaches are known to hunt down snails and eat them.. shrimps might become a tasty expensive treat for them

my siamese fighter nibbled at my shrimps by constantly chasing them around thus causing some of my shrimps tp jump out and dry up outside the tank hehe :*)
My loaches are supposed to be algae eaters, so far its all they seem to do is suck at every part of the tank esp my fake plants (haven't quite got the hang of real plants)

I have bogwood, a tea pot ornament and a few fake plants along the bottom where my fry tend to lurk about! The silver dollar is my largest fish but I will unfortunately have to get rid of him in the next few months if he grows any bigger (he hasnt really grown much in the last year he's approx 3.5" at the mo.

How big do the shrimps grow?
Weather loaches are definately not algae eaters. They have the wrong sort of mouth for it apart from anything else... an algae eating fish has a flat sucker-like mouth. They'll like to eat sinking pellet/tablet food and leftovers though. Weather loach will get pretty big too (12" or so) and I think they will harrass any shrimp you get, as kenneth_kpe suggested. Amano shrimp get about 5cm and cherry shrimp are a little smaller generally I think?
These fish have sucker mouths and are forever stuck to my glass and grassing on the plastic leaves and teapots, they dont bother any of my other fish. Perhaps they aren't weather loaches at all then that is just the title they were sold as in the LFS but as you know they often label fish completely wrong! I originally wanted Ottos but they had non in stock and werent getting any in for a few months.

These fish are yellow, sucker mouthed and approx 3 inches at the moment and like I say are always grazing on the glass

Just found out that the fish are chinese algae eaters not golden weather loaches but still bad fish so they're off back to shop at the weekend
how about the bigger fan filter shrimp like giant african filter shrimp or rock/bamboo/wood/flower shrimp they get about three inchs long bit bigger for the african, a piece of bogwood is great for hiding places
I have in my aquarium

1 Silver dollar approx 4"
5 adult sunset platies (approx 50 fry seperate tank)
6 Emerald eye rasbora
8 Glowlight tetras
3 golden weather loaches
3 peppered cats
1 Siamese fighter
Hold on here... all this in a 30 litre tank? :blink:

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