Best Shrimps For Tropical Freshwater Tank


New Member
Apr 7, 2007
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Hi, I've been trawling the internet for a shrimp specie to put in my aquarium, however, they all seem to be for marine tanks. What shrimps are available for freshwater? Also, Im a novice at keeping fish, so I wouldnt want anything too hard to keep. Thanks
Lots of freshwater shrimp are available. What kind of fish are you planning on having? Many fish will eat your shrimp.

Here are a few sites with shrimp for sale. I'm not recommending you buy from these sites, only for the information. (You have to click on each shrimp since they are mixed in with the other "critters"... but the Ghost Shrimp page has a DIY Shrimp Cave that you can add to help protect your molting shrimp from your fish)

You can often find these species much cheaper on Aquabid or by asking around here for someone selling some.
If you have nothing that might eat them, I'd recommend Amanos (Caridina Multidentata) for beginners. Very easy to keep. :) Alternatively, if you want something slightly tougher, perhaps a ghost shrimp (Palaemonetes Paludosus).
If you want bigger fish, and something that looks impressive but is actually harmless, wait a few months till your tank is properly established (this is important with these guys), and look at fan shrimp... The Wood Shrimp (Atyopsis Moluccensis) is commonly available, and the even larger Giant African Fan Shrimp (Atya Gabonensis).

All shrimp will benefit from plenty of hiding places. Think about that when you furnish your tank... Some bogwood and plenty of plants will do them good, giving them lots of places to escape from fish.

Hope that's some help... Feel free to ask more. :)

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