Enthusiastic "Re-Beginner"
Thanks guys, these last two messages are quite helpful on the practical side. I have a nice bag of florida crushed corel waiting in the shed in case I decide to use it (probably should have for this second phase of fishless cycling, might have gone faster if indeed they like a higher pH!)
It will be very hard deciding whether to move away from my standard tap water for my permanent setup. My pH is 7.6, my KH is 0-1, NH3/NH4, NO2, NO3 are all zero from the tap. I haven't got a GH test yet but not sure there would be any practical knowledge from a GH result anyway.
If I could choose fish that like more acid water, avoid ones that like basic water and get lots of plants going it could be that it would work out nicely, you think? The filter will keep ammonia and NO2 at zero, the plants might use a bit of the nitrate being produced and I would do weekly water changes. The plants might like the softer more acid water.
Its either that or decide to use a very small layer of crushed coral (and I like your bit about maintaining it monkey_biz.) And then measure and try to keep that higher pH steady over the years, which sounds like more work.
It will be very hard deciding whether to move away from my standard tap water for my permanent setup. My pH is 7.6, my KH is 0-1, NH3/NH4, NO2, NO3 are all zero from the tap. I haven't got a GH test yet but not sure there would be any practical knowledge from a GH result anyway.
If I could choose fish that like more acid water, avoid ones that like basic water and get lots of plants going it could be that it would work out nicely, you think? The filter will keep ammonia and NO2 at zero, the plants might use a bit of the nitrate being produced and I would do weekly water changes. The plants might like the softer more acid water.
Its either that or decide to use a very small layer of crushed coral (and I like your bit about maintaining it monkey_biz.) And then measure and try to keep that higher pH steady over the years, which sounds like more work.