Best Plants for Sand Substrate

Garrett Semola

New Member
Dec 19, 2018
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Al the pleco says hi!

Because of my plecos and corys I decided to go with a white sand substrate for my 75 gallon. Since cycling and adding the fish I've started with what I think are Java ferns(?) and some repens as well as a crypt. The larger plant on the left has budded off several new plants you can see dotted around the substate, and the again Java ferns(?) has given me around 4 new plants from the runners you can see floating in the upper levels of the water column. I recently picked up a large piece of hornwort I have floating near the front right which I'm unsure whether to plant or leave floating, and I've also added duckweed to the surface which has mostly been eaten by my mollies but I'm cultivating more in my 10 gallon to replenish.



Anyway, my plan for this tank is to add a large piece of driftwood I'm still soaking (see above) to the left side and to place hollow rock (rainbow shark cave) to somewhere in the center. From there I'd like to plant out as heavily as I can but with sand I know that leaves my options a bit narrow. With the repens and java ferns I can cover the ground level pretty well with some time, but I'd also like to add some growth to the upper levels for fry and some of the top level swimmers like my congo tetras and white clouds.

Any suggestions for plants that can do well in sand? Open to additives as I'm currently using Seachem flourish which seems like it has perked up some growth in the last week after a few treatments.

This is my first proper post here, so I'm open to all criticism and suggestions as I figure out my overall plans for this tank (and others :D). I look forward to getting to know other hobbyists.

Water wisteria grows very well in sand and doesnt need much fertilizer . It grows quickly and gets very tall. It grows even in low to moderate lighting. It is easy to propagate by dutting off the upper portion and just replanting it into the sand.
Best Plants for Sand Substrate
That's easy to answer, Any aquatic plant that needs to be planted in the substrate is the best plant for sand.

Plants will grow in any substrate, what is more important is lighting, nutrients, adding Malaysian Trumpet snails and even water current, in that order.
Thanks to both of you.

FishManiac I'll have to see if Wisteria is available, but I have a couple of nice fish shops around beyond the normal petco and petsmart that might be helpful here.

NickAu that's good to know, I was afraid because of how dense the sand is that it wouldn't allow enough waterflow to get nutrients to the root systems, but the java ferns have been growing pretty large roots from my peek underneath the tank recently. If the Seachem flourish is working I'll probably continue with that, or look at root tabs if those are any help.

I have actually been looking at add MTS to my tank but I haven't seen them available at any of the local fish shops. Are they generally hardy enough to order online? I know like the cory they will bury into the sand and mix things up which sounds great.

As for current I have air lines going to either side of the tank to supplement the output of my Fluval 406, and it seems to be sufficient, but if I had to look at a powerhead I wouldn't know where to start.


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