Best Place For Wood?


Fish Gatherer
Apr 11, 2009
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I would like a piece of wood as the centrepiece for my 60l. Although I won't be setting it up for a while, I want the perfect piece ;), so I'm looking now.
I like this

with its branchiness, although not sticking out the top, obviously.
What sort of wood is that and where's a good place to buy it?
Having a bit of a look round, I'm finding I like stuff sold for reptiles more than stuf sold for aquariums, it's more branchy. I presume it's OK, with soaking?
Not sure what it's called, or where to get it, but I have see wood like that in many tanks, and they all seem to have java fern on them! It looks great.

I think that reptile wood should be fine for aquariums with soaking.
That wood looks like Mopani driftwood but I could be wrong...I have a small piece of it in my tank which I bought online (I will not recommend the online store)

I too find it hard to get suitable large pieces of wood, I'll be interested in any useful info posted...
Redmoor root wood is one name for stuff that looks like that, check fleabay :good:
Just checked eBay for that, and they are UK based, so I would have to pay out the foor for a 12" piece like $25. Is there anything in the US that anyone knows about?
Aqua Essentials do some ... not a bad price either :good:

Also Maidenhead Aquatics sometimes have it too :)

Sweet Knowle in Stratford Upon Avon (don't know where you're from?) have it ... but expensive :unsure:
No redmoor on ebay atm :( If reptile stuff is OK, think I'll concentrate my search there.
Mmmmm, some very nice pieces at AE :good: Thanks puffer duffer :)
Go to a lake and find your own wood its free and you can find the perfect piece that way.
loads of redmoor wood on ebay now just been looking through it theres some really nice roots think i might invest in a few pieces for my agassiz tank
Yes, I can see them now. Loads to choose from-fab!
Get on UKAPS and get some bits of manzanita wood, that way you can pick the bits you want, and post the rest on.

Tom Barr had a load sent over from the states, so people could have cheap wood.

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