Best Ph

Betta are unfussy and will take to quite a range of pH, from 6.0 to 8.0, so providing your tank is cycled correctly first a betta will do fine

Just be sure to acclimatise your new betta well when you bring home before introducing him to his new tank :)
Thanks for that,there are different opinions on this subject but I'm glad someone with experience has settled my mind: )
What hardness do they prefer? If you can give figures then that would be great.
How long do you usually acclimatize for before adding?
and thanks again for the help: )
I do drip acclimation. If the betta comes in a cup, I move him to a baggie and put it in a bucket to keep it upright. Then I take a piece of airline tubing and kink it so that it drips into the bag. I add twice as much tank water as what the fish came with. I think this method works best when the pH of my tank is different from the store's. It takes a while. I check every 5 minutes to see how the fish is doing.

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