Best Looking Geophagus ?


Fish Herder
Nov 25, 2008
Reaction score
Rye, East Sussex
i'm curious about geo's and i like the look of them and just wondering what you guys think the best looking one is?
Surinamensis or brasiliensis (spelling is probably wrong)
surinamensis are lovely heres mine


tapajos are gorgeous too
hey just looking at those surinamensis and they say they can be very aggressive towards other cichlids have you had this in your experience?
Not sure where you heard that but IME they are some of the least aggressive cichlids (even with their large adult size)
Not sure where you heard that but IME they are some of the least aggressive cichlids (even with their large adult size)

oh i got it from tropical fish finder... "this species is quite territorial and aggressive"
No they are not, pretty placid IME, obviously territorial if they spawn, but otherwise no problems.
Definitely Brasiliensis

Heres mine (note: this is a male,the females are drab)




Heres my Threadfin Geophagus

wow love the Geo;s

I'm glad someone has posted this cos often wondered about these fish myself, I know on a plec site Igo one it seems as if a lot of the plec keepers keep them in there plec tanks and I would imagine thats an endorsement about their nature
Definitley not Aggressive....the Pearl is more territorial than my threadfin,but does no damage.

I'm looking into adding some Juruparis at the mo also...very nice looking,almost liek Surinamensis but with a Kribensis like head


Colour wise I think the Pearl (brasiliensis) is the nicest looking freshwater fish I have ever kept and has the most amazing personality...mine is a utter tart!
wow love the Geo;s

I'm glad someone has posted this cos often wondered about these fish myself, I know on a plec site Igo one it seems as if a lot of the plec keepers keep them in there plec tanks and I would imagine thats an endorsement about their nature

haha its no problem, i really like them but because i've never thought about keeping them and i know there are some very nice ones and they look quite dull when younger i wanted to check i was getting the right species.
ive got 2 geo surinemsis and they do have the odd go at the other fish , think i may have a pair forming though. The only geo's ive seen in real life is mine so id vote surinemsis
my 2 are probably 2 of the most placid cichlids ive ever seen. they never cause any trouble at all.
Agreed! My Pearl looks liek he has the tools to slaughter my firemouths,Angels and black widows and stuff but he just simply is not interested.

I think Geos are the least territorial Cichlid I have ever kept.
Placid is an understatement, the 5 jurupari Ive added are afraid of their own shadows right now, never seen a fish this timid before.

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