Best Looking Fish?

Freshwater, I think Kribensis are up there and certain Apistogramma's. A nice coloured Rummy-Nose is to die for, there's many when you think about it properly. It's hard to pick a favorite.

As for Salty, Parrotfish are beautiful... Had hundreds of them swimming around me in the wild, wow! Coral Grouper's are special fish, seen them in the red sea too.

I find dwarf cichlids to be the best looking, body shape and colouring, now to be a bit boring but cardinal tetras are mental when you look at how intense that red and blue is, cant beat a massive schoal of them

On the salty side a juvenile emperor angelfish is just immense
A nice coloured Rummy-Nose is to die for


Not exactly what you were describing but seeing as I took this shot yesterday... why not :)
Fresh water: Nice brightly coloured guppy/Betta

Large shoal of galaxy rosabara

Saltyseawater: I do love lionfish due to their finnage but the colours on mandarin fish are insane!
Come on! Billivion rams and german rams baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
I alsosay rams have some very nice coloring.

For salty hawkfish look pretty cool!
rotkeil severums, stunning fish, look more like a marine fish than tropical when fully grown and coloured up.
Look at that red, quality. It's great when the small green spot shows up at the top of there heads to like in this example.

Google Example

Oooh, very nice. I doubt mine will go like that but I'm planning on getting some more so you never know :)
I've loved the looks and docility of discus since I was a boy. Never had any, but that's about to change, as I'm converting my 55-gallon into a discus tank. Breeding? Maybe, down the line. So I gotta say DISCUS!
Tangs, I would love to have a tank of them, :hyper:


They often don't look great in the shop- sandsifters in particular can look like just another silver minnow- but once settled in and coloured up they are some of the most special fish in the hobby. Fish such as opthalmotilapia ventralis, chalinochromis pleurospilus, Cyathopharynx Furcifer, parachrochromis nigripinnis, the list goes on. Google image search some of those names and you'll see what i mean.

My personal favourite at the mo is altolamprologus compressiceps, once fully grown and coloured up, with their fins flared out they are stunning. Defo a fish you wouldn't mess with if you met one down a dark alley!

I hav'nt kept them for years and I always enjoy looking at them whenever I visit lfs.

Someday I hope to have a planted six footer and they will be the main occupants.
Full disclosure, this is ianho's pic. He had it posted in an unrelated thread. Visually to me, this gourami is one of the most stunning fish I've come across.


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