Best live food for Corydora Habrosus

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Fish Crazy
Jun 1, 2020
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Morning All (well here in UK)

The fact I spent several hours rescaping my tank to suite my Corydoras Thursday just gone, I thought I should look at there diet also

Currently they eat flake that falls past guppies, which is alot and catfish pellets. Every now and again I chuck an algae wafer but no ones seems thst bothered by that, not even the shrimp...

So I was in my LFS the other day and noticed some live food. They had brine shrinp, bloodworms and daphnia

I nearly picked up a bag of bloodworms, but when i tried freeze dried ones none of the fish touched them.

Are the habrosus a little two small for bloods?? Also are uneaten ones likely to borrow in sand and cause me any issues??
Hi, freeze dried ones are lower in nutrients than live ones and won't bring out the hunting instinct of your fish so I'd go with live or frozen any day and I wouldn't worry about them burrowing away at all as they will get eaten quickly. Mine go nuts when live food is given.
Habrosus may find bloodworms a bit big. Daphnia would be a better size for them.

Have you looked at frozen food? Cyclops is available frozen, and that's smaller than daphnia.
Freshly hatched brine shrimp are very small so grow your own as it's easy. Actually daphnia can be surprisingly big. Either way try it. Tiny neons will battle with a bloodworm nearly as big as them, it's like clash of the Titans but on a smaller scale lol
id go for the Daphnia of those options.
frozen bloodworms and prawn and use a pair of scissors to cut them into small bits.

culture daphnia at home and feed the baby daphnia to the fish.

hatch brineshrimp eggs and feed newly hatched brineshrimp to the fish.

micro and grindal worms.
Live foods are obviously good if you can get them, but unless you can provide the sort of foods the fish would naturally feed on in the habitat to provide a balanced diet, the prepared foods are actually better for the fish as staple diet. But live foods as a treat, just as fresh frozen can be "treats" rather than staple for much the same reason (nutrition), is fine.

Cories are filter feeders and they eat insects and insect larvae. They will eat small crustaceans. Most will eat worms but not as much as one might assume, and if you watch them feeding on bloodworms you will see that most of the bloodworm keeps getting expelled through the gills. Corydoras do not have teeth, so they cannot break up large food items. This is why they take so long to fully break apart and eat sinking foods like tablets, disks, pellets. Frozen daphnia is ideal; mine go charging through the sand at their weekly daphnia treat after the water change.

Fluval Bug Bites, the smallest micro size, is probably the single best cory food. It is natural, and good nutrition. Second I would place shrimp pellets, a quality brand like Omega One which has whole shrimp and fish rather than various meals. Veggie-based foods can be fed but sparingly, as Corydoradinae fish do not digest plant matter at all well. Once a week with something like Omega One's Veggie Rounds, if you have loricariids in the tank that do benefit from this, is fine. But not more, and avoid the "vegetable" things like squash, etc.
I picked up live daphnia and those that I didn't feed to the fish, I kept in a glass in the kitchen window and added water from the tank. You can feed the daphnia small amount of yeast (baker's/brewer's)

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