Best Juwell Lights


Fish Fanatic
May 11, 2005
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hi guys, im thinking of changing my t5 tubes in my juwell light system, i have the daylight and a standard bulb in but i want to change so the water looks clear and pick up more of thereds and blues in my fish, whst bulbs would be best? Also do yhe types of bulbs affect plant growth ig the wpg is the same?
hi guys, im thinking of changing my t5 tubes in my juwell light system, i have the daylight and a standard bulb in but i want to change so the water looks clear and pick up more of thereds and blues in my fish, whst bulbs would be best? Also do yhe types of bulbs affect plant growth ig the wpg is the same?

You asked this half an hour ago?
hi guys, im thinking of changing my t5 tubes in my juwell light system, i have the daylight and a standard bulb in but i want to change so the water looks clear and pick up more of thereds and blues in my fish, whst bulbs would be best? Also do yhe types of bulbs affect plant growth ig the wpg is the same?

You asked this half an hour ago?

Sorry, posted with my phone, muwt of posted again somehow

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