Best Glass Cleaner

As Dr Rob said definantly go for the largest magnet you can get, too small and they just dont have any real suction power. The one I have has a loop on one end of each magnet that you can tie some string to incase the suction fails then you can hail the wayward one back up. But I almost always find the string ended up getting in my way.
Now days I mostly rely on snails, bristle nose catfish and shrimp to take care of my glass, which I just as well because my big freebie tank is so deep if I want to plant anything in it when its full I not only need a step ladder but snorkling gear too.
I know its not what you are after because of the Angel, I use one of these in the 2 foot and 6 foot tank.
thanks for the replies! 
I may look for a reasonably priced magnet type cleaner to deal with the white film and keep the blade scraper for the tougher stuff. I may be able to make some kind of guard for it if I can find some hard plastic. 
I have two nerite snails, millions of trumpet snails, 3 oto's and a BN but none of them are doing a good job at cleaning my glass. My BN is a lazy so-n-so to be honest .... he spends most of his time sleeping 
fluttermoth said:
I've have to say, I agree; they're rubbish. I had one years ago, but not now; I'd rather get my arm nipped, frankly! (and I used to have a shoal of tiger barbs that really hurt
Edit; forgot to say; I still think a cheap pan scourer is the best glass cleaner.
Yeah that's what I use.  A pack of four sponges for 10p lasts ages :)
Akasha72 said:
thanks for the replies! 
I may look for a reasonably priced magnet type cleaner to deal with the white film and keep the blade scraper for the tougher stuff. I may be able to make some kind of guard for it if I can find some hard plastic. 
I have two nerite snails, millions of trumpet snails, 3 oto's and a BN but none of them are doing a good job at cleaning my glass. My BN is a lazy so-n-so to be honest .... he spends most of his time sleeping 
So does mine, but then she is nocturnal ;)
I catch her every now and then late at night with a torch.
My pair of BN's always come out at feeding time or they miss out on food and have to eat what ever they find, Everyday they come to their feeding spot and I actually put the food next to them and they pounce on it quick, If not the Clown Loaches get it.
I see my boy about once or twice a week when he decides he's hungry and has a scrap with my SAE's for some algae wafer. Despite that he's a chunky boy so he's eating something the rest of the week .... just not what I'd like him to eat!
Just like CAE I have found that juvi bristle noses better at cleaning up algae, for a time when you have a spawn of 100 odd you will see the babies all over the tank constantly feeding, but as they get closer to 5cm+ you start seeing them less and less. Until just like the adults you will barely see them except hunting them down or checking in the tank at night after lights out.

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