Best Filter For Sand-Substrate Tanks


Fish Fanatic
Mar 7, 2009
Reaction score
Detroit, Michigan
As the title says.
I've only ever used gravel in tanks, and thus, HOB's, UGF's, and etc. were perfectly fine. But with sand, I've heard that you need to make sure your filter isn't sucking up sand particles and getting stuck. I've been told that sponge filters and canisters would both be good choices. I've decided to go with a sponge for my 10 gallon, and will most likely do the same for my 20 as purchasing a canister for a 20 gallon tank seems to be a bit much. What do you guys think?

Names and brands will be appreciated
. I've never used sponge filters in the past so any words of advice would be great.

Go for small canister such as Fluval 105 or Eheim 2213 can do as well, these filter are cheap and will do well in your 10 gallon, only thing to remember is filter should have strainer in sucking pipe as wellas the suction port should be at least 1 inch above the sand line. and you will be fine.
Go for small canister such as Fluval 105 or Eheim 2213 can do as well, these filter are cheap and will do well in your 10 gallon, only thing to remember is filter should have strainer in sucking pipe as wellas the suction port should be at least 1 inch above the sand line. and you will be fine.

Thanks a lot kedar301, I like the Eheim a lot. Sponge filters would definitely be cheaper but I have some more faith in the canisters. What did you mean by the filter having a strainer in the sucking pipe? You mean have something fine covering it so that sand doesn't get sucked up? What do you think I should use? Thanks for your advice!
Well in most of my tanks I have sand, I use HOB filters, Canisters and internals... Personally I'd say (dependant on the tank size) go with a simple HOB filter rated about twice the tank for now. For the HOB filters, I've always prefered Aquaclears, the Whisper and TopFin filters just dont cut it with me. Internals, Fluval 2 plus for the 20gallon, and if you want a canister you could go with the Fluva 103/104/105 I'm not sure which name it's sold under now but it filters for 25gallons, perfect for your little 20gal.

The best for actually filtering the sand (by which i mean stirring it up and keeping it airated) would be IMO cory catfish :) excellent little foregers, and they'll move the sand around as they cruise in search of food.
Well in most of my tanks I have sand, I use HOB filters, Canisters and internals... Personally I'd say (dependant on the tank size) go with a simple HOB filter rated about twice the tank for now. For the HOB filters, I've always prefered Aquaclears, the Whisper and TopFin filters just dont cut it with me. Internals, Fluval 2 plus for the 20gallon, and if you want a canister you could go with the Fluva 103/104/105 I'm not sure which name it's sold under now but it filters for 25gallons, perfect for your little 20gal.

The best for actually filtering the sand (by which i mean stirring it up and keeping it airated) would be IMO cory catfish :) excellent little foregers, and they'll move the sand around as they cruise in search of food.

Thanks a whole lot PRW1988! It's funny you should mention cories because I plan to keep 6 skunks in the 20 and 10 pygmies in my 10 gallon. I had a question about HOB's, are there any precautions you need to take with them in regards to sand? I may use an HOB for my 10 gallon since I've used them several times before and they seem to work alright. Apart from keeping the sucking pipe an inch above the sand, anything else? I've heard you need to put a strainer of some sort on it so that sand doesn't get sucked up- what do you use? Fluval 105 looks good for the 20
I kno this thread is a bit dated, but would anyone like to reply to the above post? I'm thinking a good precaution for keeping sand out the filter would be to put some sponge in the intake (like you do to protect fry)? What do you guys think? Really thinking about getting an Aquaclear instead of a sponge so this will be really helpful

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