best canester filter

Loose definitions are too blame. What is "clean" water? A good mechanical filter will remove a leaf that has fallen off a plant, but won't alter any disolved chemicals. A good biological filter will process ammonia -> nitrite -> nitrate, but will be clogged and killed by fallen leaves.

Aquarium filters should do both. A mechanical stage that removes floating crud and a biological stage to process disolved waste. The mechanical stage comes first, so the biological stage does not get clogged. It is importnant to keep the mechanical stage clean though otherwise the flow rate through the filter drops.

Carbon and Zeolites are rarely any use in a filter. They are inactivated very quickly. Unless you have a special requirement, (can't think of a regular one), you are better off with better media.
Lateral Line said:
Loose definitions are too blame. What is "clean" water? A good mechanical filter will remove a leaf that has fallen off a plant, but won't alter any disolved chemicals. A good biological filter will process ammonia -> nitrite -> nitrate, but will be clogged and killed by fallen leaves.

Aquarium filters should do both. A mechanical stage that removes floating crud and a biological stage to process disolved waste. The mechanical stage comes first, so the biological stage does not get clogged. It is importnant to keep the mechanical stage clean though otherwise the flow rate through the filter drops.

Carbon and Zeolites are rarely any use in a filter. They are inactivated very quickly. Unless you have a special requirement, (can't think of a regular one), you are better off with better media.
Thanx for clearing it up. i dont use carbons in my filter but "loose definitions," confused me n had me thinking harder than i should have.
Any opinions on a Fluval 404?

I'm getting a 55g in a few weeks, and I want to do a cannister. The tank will be stocked with medium sized NW cichlids and smaller loaches.

I was also thinking of adding an Emperor 400 or an Aquaclear 500 in addition to the cannister.

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