best bad news ever

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dude ur bro is annoying an irresponsible as hell its one thing to pick on people but like animals are alot different
hes moveing out...but not till the end of this school year. so in the mean time cross your fingers for Jin(sounds like Jeen) hes such a cute betta. VT pastel with a few redish-pinkish dots on his fins. an i got him to flare every time you stick 2 finders up to the side of the tank (not 1 finger, 2 fingers) next week ill start training him to ring a bell for food :D hes sooo smart :book:
God it must suc tobe you. I feel bad for you. You should stuff your brother in a closet and feed him dogfood for a week and tell him thats how your oscar feels.
what a total dickhead, if my bro did that i'd totally punch him in the stomach
i #### with him all the time. one of the reasons i do so much weight training is so he cant kick my ass. his 18 an weighs 190 im 16 an weigh 165 but even thoe there is a 25lb difference i can still kick his ass. i take football an wrestling an track. i jus cant make him take good care of his pets come times i slip his dragon some romane an some crickets if i see hes gone oh saaayy a week with out food. an i slip his oscar some cichlid bites just to keep it healthy. both of them eat it sooooo fast its nuts. my dragon is big an fat an takes his time eating.
ack. not an animal lover then?

its good to know you didnt follow in his footsteps and you are concerned about looking after your pets well. (and his when u get the chance!)
his pets shouldnt have to suffer for his dumb assness. i should jus sell his pets to the pet shop. if only they would buy puny sick lookin pets. his oscar has completly lost all its color its jus kind of a grey color(hes only had it a day) an the dragon im sure has parasites of some od kinda one day its really skinny then the next its bloated ####ING IDIOT!!!!!! I HATE HOW HE KEEPS HIS PETS!!!!! **i talked to my dad an he said i can keep my dragon an oscar in the shed till it starts to get cold out** pest thing is the shed stays locked most the time an my dad is the only one with the key so ill jus have him unlock it b4 he goes to work ill feed them then ill lock it back up till my dad gets home:D im even going to leave a radio on in there so they are use to noise so when i move then back in.
Where are your parents in all this. . .Can they help? If they layed down the law for your brother with bettas, do you think you could get them on your side with the oscar and dragon as well?
Good luck,
the only reason they wont let him keep bettas is he tried to fight them an one died. i guess if an animal dies of niglect or something like that then we cant keep that kinda animal till we prove we are responsible enough.

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