Best Algae Eater For A Planted Tank?

I used to have masses of malaysian trumpet snails... until I added a couple of clown loaches. Now there are NONE. and I had loads. They definately ate algae, because they used to leave little clean trails along the front glass! They also sift your sand.

I've heard the other way around.Flying foxes are more agressive and slow down or even stop eating algea as they get older.Again may want to check that out becasue it's only what I've read here and there.

I had a couple of flying foxes a couple of years back. They were slightly aggressive towards each other (chasing each other around) but not to any of the other fish and they were still good algae eaters. The ones I have now have only been in my tank a week or so. They are a good size though and are eating lots of algae.

Maybe I'm thinking of CAEs? But aren't they the same thing?
Maybe I'm thinking of CAEs? But aren't they the same thing?

Nope, CAE's, SAE's and flying foxes are all different! :D

CAE's (Gyrinocheilus aymonieri) should be avoided, they aren't the best algae eaters and tend to get very aggressive as they get older. They are notorious for attacking and eating the slime coat of flat bodied fish like angelfish. Along with common plecs, it is the most common algae eater sold at pet stores - usually just as 'algae eater'.

'Flying fox' seems to be an lfs common name used to refer to a couple of species of Epalzeorhynchus, and sometimes SAE's are called 'Siamese flying fox'. Epalzeorhynchus sp. are good algae eaters but are aggressive and territorial towards each other. They will sometimes chase other fish but don't harm them, and it seems almost playful.

Proper SAE's (Crossocheilus siamensis) like to be kept in groups and are great algae eaters. They playfully chase each other quite a bit, and when kept alone may chase other fish, but are otherwise peaceful. I have 3 of them and they are great for keeping algae off leaves and diatom algae off the glass.
Proper SAE's (Crossocheilus siamensis) like to be kept in groups and are great algae eaters. They playfully chase each other quite a bit, and when kept alone may chase other fish, but are otherwise peaceful. I have 3 of them and they are great for keeping algae off leaves and diatom algae off the glass.

well the store i'm considering purchasing them from has a selection of both Flying Foxes and Siamese Algae Eaters, identified as different i'm assuming their SAEs are true SAEs?
would you say that 2 of them would do well in a 38G tank? that would be ideal for me :good:
I really like the Siamese algae eaters. We have had ours for over two years, still very alive and keeping after the algae!

They have a voracious appetite and are very good cleaners overall. Picture:

well the store i'm considering purchasing them from has a selection of both Flying Foxes and Siamese Algae Eaters, identified as different i'm assuming their SAEs are true SAEs?
would you say that 2 of them would do well in a 38G tank? that would be ideal for me :good:
Most likely, they are pretty easy to tell apart if you look at the pictures and illustrations on fishbase :).
Two would be fine, the more the merrier :good: .

I really like the Siamese algae eaters. We have had ours for over two years, still very alive and keeping after the algae!

They have a voracious appetite and are very good cleaners overall. Picture:
That's not a Simese algae eater, that's a CAE.
It might be useful if someone posted pics. This is what I'm calling a flying fox (what I've got). Bear in mind, this isn't my pic, it's one I found using google images.


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