Best Algae/Cean up?

I prefer to search different careguides and forums and make an opinion based on that, then see what works and what doesn't work as much as i can.
Also looking at how and where fish live in natire helps a lot
It does, but there are so many versions of “the truth” on the internet, and so many subtle variations that aren’t always obvious to newer fish keepers. I spent weeks researching before getting a Betta, but somehow I didn’t find anything about water softness. It may well have been out there but it didn’t mean anything to me. And then you get member on here saying things like, “they like the same water but those two types may be aggressive together...”. I like the hybrid method, do my reading and try to get my thinking sorted, and then double check with those that know ?
I’ve just made up a tank size to get to 10.4 g and 9 ember tetras, 2 cardinal tetras and 6 Otos are showing as 100% stocked. I know the dimensions of the tank can affect this though, so worth trying with proper measurements.
oh thanks!, I think mines maybe slightly under 10 gal, ill have to have a look, I was thinking maybe 3 ottos max, but I know they do better in groups
Fish should not be put in a tank to solve a problem. The cause of the problem should be found and steps taken to to rectify the cause.

How long are the lights on for?
Do you use fertiliser - if so, what brand and how much?
Fish should not be put in a tank to solve a problem. The cause of the problem should be found and steps taken to to rectify the cause.

How long are the lights on for?
Do you use fertiliser - if so, what brand and how much?
im obviously not just going to chuck any old fish in, hence the question. I will need some form of cleanup fish in the long run.
the lights are on 8-10 hours and I use the sachem flourish as recommended on the label. I'm water changing roughly every 5-7 days. I try to keep natural light to a minimum
im obviously not just going to chuck any old fish in, hence the question. I will need some form of cleanup fish in the long run.
the lights are on 8-10 hours and I use the sachem flourish as recommended on the label. I'm water changing roughly every 5-7 days. I try to keep natural light to a minimum

There are no cleanup fish; even otos need specific food (once they deal with diatoms or common green algae which are the only two types of algae they will eat). And 10 otos in a 10g is way over the limit. I would not get any until the algae issue is resolved.

Reduce the lighting period to 7 or 8 hours, and use a timer so it is a consistent period each day (this does make a difference to fish and plants and algae). If the "flourish" is the Flourish Comprehensive Supplement for the Planted Aquarium, [they make several products under the "Flourish" name], reduce the amount to half, or don't use it for a couple weeks. Do a thorough vacuum of open substrate areas, and keep the filter media well rinsed. The organic level seems high from the photos, but this should help.
That is correct. What I meant is live plants don’t do well in new tanks. It should be cycled before live plants. Algae is common in new tanks, and plants somehow add to it. Here is an example of live plants added to a new setup. Hair algae. Depleting oxygen, killing the plants. This took one week to get out of control.
Have a read of the Silent Cycling section.

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