Block of Polystyrene and a blowtorch, then Ben.
Good thing I don't live in California, otherwise I'd get cancer just from reading this post

Block of Polystyrene and a blowtorch, then Ben.
my angel was tucking into an expensive breakfast when i came down this morning. GRRRR
apparantly my cat tastes nice. So hes now bagged up with bucket fulls of live rock and water scattered aound the room.
Pics of yet another new scape will be up this afternoon once im back from taking the little git into the LFS
argh...good job its my day off.
I can drive just not old enough for hire companies to trust me with a van. Got to be 25 for all the ones here.
Some one munched my mandarin GRR.
Came down and he/she was all cut up yesturday. Then didnt make it through the night