All plants have grown in well with Blyxa Japonica showing strongest growth - it pearls / pumps every day after 4 hours light
The HC and hairgrass are growing, just not as strong as I'd like, I suspect my inconsisent CO2 / feeding regime to be culprit, still they are growing albeit slowly
The 9 Cardinals I have are looking beautiful, real rich red bellys and bright blue flash band. Tank params have stayed stable zeros (with heavy planted + fish-in recomendation from another poster) so I decided to go for more stock. Cardinals of course
They were not so good quality at the LFS, fins could be better though they will grow under my care - anyway they looked a bit stressed, not weak just weak colours and timid. After acclimating them and introducing to the existing 9 in the tank, a few hours later they already look better than they did in the LFS and are colouring up nice
Some pics (though don't forget to read text after ):
Cool eh? Well I am happy at least, onto snails...
I have a snail problem. For the photos above I removed about 40 teeny snails, they come from nowhere and probably hitched in on plants. I remove about 50 each week but still they come. Anyway, besides my pickings is there a way to <ahem> kill all the snails off without using anything that will directly affect my shrimp like copper sulphate. All help appreciated.