Ben's 400l Wet Thing

Ben once they settle and perhaps there are more fish in there, you will see more, fingers are crossed for you.

This is why I have had to pick the fish I have, Andrew goes mad if I buy a fish that he does not get to see.

I think possibly your fish maay take slightly longer to be out and about more as your tank is in the computer room, if the tank is in a living room, the fish get used to you being there more often. (JMO)
never had this with a tang before though. those guys are always out and about. Coral beauty i expected to be in and out of the rocks all the time as i had my mates for a couple of months
ben you know none of us can wait for the pics so i will say it nicely hurry UP! lol

regards scottt
cant take pics if i dont see them! :(

They swim hapily together, then as soon as i walk in or go near the tank. Bang. Like ghost town
How about to keep us all quiet we compromise and have some shots of the scape since you took the cave out. You never know, if you sit there nice and quietly, they may even come out for you.

Is it a bad time to say I have just seen all 6 of my fish our and about at the exact same time. :lol:
cant get good pics because of the reflections, covered window up and still no good. Took two videos, get a gimpse of em

From the very brief view of the tang, he looks nice.

Must say I am very glad to see that the fish out most, even if it is zooming in and out of the rocks is the Coral Beauty. He looks quite a big one, and also very very nice. I hope to get a smaller on than that.

From what I can see of the scape it actually looks nice. What don't you like??

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