cheers mate. Slowly getting there with the SPS, losing a purple acro though and i dont know why! Most of there were frags i swapped for other corals. A couple i bought as colonies. The big brown acro on the left is growing like a weed
nah mate, someone said it was probably a cut from cleaning all the rock work that got infected. I set u a QT to treat her with some anti-biotics but a day later it was looking better and it eventually just went on its own. Not a mark on her now.
tanks is doing ok im down gradeing as im going to stick to a small reef and small fish so all tangs have been sold same as the angels but keeping the gem tang in the 4x2x2 all i can afford at the moment since i moved its been hell but it will hopefully be better this year
Not sure what colour is supposed to be! My mate bought it me for lookin after his tank while he moves RAF bases. It started green, its not really deep reddy brown Not massive, looks nice though and the clowns spend a fair bit of time there
Hi harry, thanks.
the main tank is 36x18x15 - 160L
the sump is 36x12x10(water hight) - 70L
So about 230L minus displacement.
My sand besd starts deep, then everytime i clean the tank i siphon the first layer off with all the crap. Then add more sand when it gets thin. That was about its thickest point.
Acro in bottom left next to duncan is going purple
poor FTS
really not happy right now, needs a propper move round and emerald crab! Lights had only just come on so all polyps and nem not full woke up. Im now late for work! adios!