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That One Guy
May 25, 2019
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On the banks of the Yellowstone
I got this angelfish at Petsmart April 1st when he was only a little bigger than nickel size and he grew to brobdingnagian proportions since . I got three but he was the lone survivor . I couldn’t pass them up at $3.99 a pop . Anyway , I was always going to get some more but they never had any and he grew . Look at those cool long fin rays on his tail and anal fin . He’s the only fish in there so nobody ever nipped them off and I just know another Angel would given the chance so he’s going to be a single specimen fish . You’ll probably see the algae in there and he’s been eating it . You know how Angels pick a spawning site clean ? That’s what he’s been doing . He eats like a horse and maybe that’s why he grew so big so fast . I don’t think frozen brine shrimp is going to do it for him much longer so I’m going to take him to Krill and some other stuff .
how big is it... I have one I call my pet store mutt, that has also been growing like crazy...
how big is it... I have one I call my pet store mutt, that has also been growing like crazy...
Okay , I just went in and held the ruler up to the glass . Roughly , he’s five inches tall and three inches from snout to caudal peduncle . Big for a five or six month old fish I think . He was really little when I first got him , so little that I was hesitant to buy them . Sometimes very young fry can be shocky when you get them at stores , especially big box stores . I have him in this twenty high and my little male blue Betta was in there first and Squiggy (the Betta) chased him ruthlessly . About six weeks later the tables got turned and Squiggy had to go live with my Aphyosemion australe killifish . Squiggy and the killies had quite the dust up , Squiggy got ripped up bad by the male australe , he stressed the killies out and they died and now his fins are all grown back fine except they grew back clear instead of blue . The killies were old and on schedule to croak anyway so I’m not too bummed but I learned a lesson from all this . It has been my long term habit to keep species only aquariums and the one time I deviated from that things blew up in my face . Never again ! No more mixing species .
You only wanted to know how big this Angel was but you got the whole story .
This is the one I call "Mutt"… I can count how many fish I’ve bought from the pet store, on one hand… but this is one… he was pretty big to start, but has doubled in size, since being here
Wow, not only is he big, but he's a real looking angel. Really nice.

It's also good to see you here again.
Yeah , go figure . These days it seems you only get runty , deformed and should have been culled fish from Petsmart and places like that so this was a surprise .
Been devoting a lot of time to my running and gardening so I haven’t been haunting The Great TFF Forum so much but I’ve been a regular here for a few years , I like it here and I ain’t going anywhere .Thanks for that Gary .
@Magnum Man You call that one a “mutt” ? That’s a nice fish . I like yellow / gold ones . Of the two others I got that croaked one was yellow / gold and the other was white . I was in there a week ago and they have a 75 gallon for a really good price . Tank , top , stand and cheap canister filter . That would make a great Angelfish set up .

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