Beginners Angelfish Breeding Setup.


Aug 26, 2005
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My angelfish recently laid eggs, I pulled em, and now they fry are in the wiggler stage, but I am trying my best with what stuff i have to keep em alive, so i thought why dont i build a breeding setup/area in my house to properly breed them,

So i was thinking about the tank sizes, and came up with 1 for the angel adult pair, one for hatching the eggs, and one big one for grow out.

Here are the tank sizes,

30"L x 15"W x 16"H ,comes to 31 gallons, on the bottom of tank stand, I Know this aint big for growing out, but this is all i can fit in a certain section in my house,

12"L x 15"W x 16"H, this comes to about 11 gals, I thought i could use this for hatching and raising the fry to a size to be put into the growout., this is on top of the stand i want to build.

24"L x 15"W x 16"H, comes to 24 gallons, should be plenty for a nice breeding pair ! , this will be next to the 11 gall also on top.

I may even think of a way of linking the 11 gall to the 24 gal, so that the temp, water, etc is all the same, I dont think i need to use a antifungal liquid, as I hatched the fry i have now fine ! , but will investigate more.

filtration will just be simple air driven sponge filters.

So what do you guys think of my plans ?

Oh and for all of the tank sizes above with cover glasses, brand new, all comes to £80 from a local tank maker !

Ok, yea i suppose I Could have the pairs tank made to a 18" high then.
I would suggest the following:

Breeding tank: 20 or 25 gal.

Hatching tank: 5.5 gal.

Growout tanks: As many 55 gals as you can fit.

Angels can spawn every 2 weeks and give you as many as 500 or more eggs.

In addition, set up a minimum of two brines shrimp hatching setups.

This is a 2.5 gal tank I hatched spawns in:
Thanks for your reply, I think I need to rethink my tanks and stand design and try to incorpate a 55 gal in, the reason being I want it all to be neatly done together, and use the least amount of space but still have a good setup for breeding Most people start out with something similar to what is suggested here. The most important thing for you at this point is setting up a bbs hatchery. While you are out getting parts for the bbs hatchery, hit every lfs you know, see if they will be needing angels in 2 or 3 months. Finding out what size they will buy them at will let you know how many gallons of tank space you will need. Every place I deal with wants them at least dime size. A small spawn of 200 fish will need 100 gallons to reach that size.

The market fluctuates, sometimes you will be stuck sitting on a hundred or more fish for a month or two. Get a cheap plastic kiddie pool, the non-inflatable type. Run a few extra sponge filters to keep them cycled, and keep a couple of 250 watt heaters on hand. Set this up in your basement or a heated garage, it's a great temporary holding tank.
Thanks for the link tolak, its a really good help, seeing the space that fry need n all, I think I now need 2 55 gallons, and this is just for one batch, Im not getting more than 1 pair, if they do lay whille i have a batch, i will just leave them in the tank with the parents, but for the breeding pair, I am going to search high and low for a really good, and good looking pair, but first of course find out what the lfs wants,

So basically I should get all equipment sorted, then go hunting to lfs's to find if they want angels, then I can start raising some !

But for now its planning.
2 55 gals seem alright...but the more the better. And Kiddy pool sounds great
2 55 gals seem alright...but the more the better. And Kiddy pool sounds great

Lol, Yea i also like the kiddy pool idea, but i have very limited space that my mom has given me for my fish room ! (I know im lucky to get a room), but anyways, instead of kiddy pools i would use those tubs, they are cheap here, i think they are called sterilites in america, then i can just wip some of them out and chuck a heater and sponge filter in and off we go !

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