Beginner With Various Questions!


New Member
Aug 29, 2006
Reaction score
Coventry, UK
Hi Everybody

i Have a few questions but first i will post my tank stats.

60 litre tank, two rena filters

6 glowlihght tetra
4 neon tetra
4 rummy nose tetra
1 otto

tank stats

nitrite 0
ammonia 0
ph 7.6
nitrate 10-20ppm
temp 76

now the questions!! :good:

1, recently one of my rummy nose tetras has gone missing, i did have five now i four. I have searched the whole tank and not found him dead or any remains. Could he have died and the other fish eaten him?

2, my otto dosent seem to eat, i have tried feeding him alage wafers, lettce, cumcumber but never seen him eat. any other food suggestions or methods to get him to eat?

3, i have a bit of a snail problem developing, how do i get rid of them with out using chemicals?

4, is my tank overstocked or can i add more fish? any suggestions?

5, could i get some ammino shrimp and ADF?

thanks :)
1.) He could have died & been eaten, or could have jumped. If you have any 4 legged pets, they may have found the jumper, I've caught my dog with various fish over the years.

2.) Ottos do better in groups, and are a little tough to acclimate. If he doesn't have a sunken belly you can assume he is eating. I have 5, and have never really seen them eat, but they are nice & plump. I feed them algae wafers, vegetable bits, and zuccini.

3.) A lettuce leaf on the bottom will attract them, then dispose of them, lettuce & all. Loachs & puffers will eat snails, but your tank isn't large enough for them.

4.) I would get a few more ottos, the lone otto needs company.

5.) See #4.

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