Beginner With Marine Fish

Domino indeed. Really fun to watch. First fish I've had to host anything. Added him before the end of the crypto cycle so Im hoping he makes it.
I'm told that the only permanent sex change in clownfish is once one becomes a dominant mature female, there's no going back... I'm sure Wilkerson's "Clownfish" would be the definitive on that though ;)

To the OP, you're gonna have to do some serious research on nem if you want to keep them, they're not exactly easy :)
there also closely related to jellyfish
Closely? They share the same Phylum, but are different at the class level (jellyfish are Class Scyphozoa, sea anemones Class Anthozoa).

As an example, we are in the same phylum (Phylum Chordata), but different class as birds (we are Class Mammilia, they are Class Aves), but I don't often hear people comment how closely related we are to falcons.
Condors are new world vultures, and thus are part of the order Ciconiiformes and related to storks and herons.

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