Beginner Small Tank Diary

This diary seems like a good idea- Would you mind if I kept one too? :blush:
Don't worry- chances are my diary won't survive as long as yours did!

Tank diarys are very common although there not usually posted here, anyone can make one and provide you keep it updated, chances are it'll remain popular :)

This diary seems like a good idea- Would you mind if I kept one too? :blush:
Don't worry- chances are my diary won't survive as long as yours did!

Tank diarys are very common although there not usually posted here, anyone can make one and provide you keep it updated, chances are it'll remain popular :)
Thanks :blush: People here are so nice. I wish other community sites could be like this... But I think I want to get the owner's approval anyways before I start. :nod:
Progress Update
I thought it was about time I gave an update on how things are getting on.

Good news is that the shrimp have had their first lot of babies. Out of the initial 7 shrimp I bought, there were only 2 females. However, both have got pregnant and we now have several baby shrimp. The first female has given birth to several shrimp which I have to keep rescuing on every water change. This consists of pouring out small amounts of water into another container to look through before emptying out onto the garden. They are tiny and I cant help feel that I may have missed one and emptied it out along with the water. On the bright side I am becoming an expert baby shrimp catcher with a spoon.

Other developments are that I have now become overrun with snails (if only I had removed the first one I saw). I am not slowly reducing the numbers with a thick slice of cucumber placed in the tank every night and removed in the morning.

I would say that these are my first newbie mistakes:

1. Not cleaning all new plants thoroughly before adding to the tank.
2. Remove snails at first sight.

I have discovered through trial and (much) error that I need plants that can survive in the dark. The vallis has slowly melted and died as have some other plants which I do not know the names of. The good news is the Amazon swords which are amongst the first plants I bought are still alive. Also a tiny amount of Java moss which came with the shrimp has flourished and is now growing nicely on a small piece of bogwood. Another triumph is, the Java fern is doing rather well. One of my more recent plant purchases.

Newbie mistake:

3. Work out light volume for tank and when calculated as low, buy night vision plants. Do not just go out and buy ones you like the look of!

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