A filter with a tray at the bottom that takes care of the waste that sinks to the bottom? And it will eliminate those weekly vacuums?? Never heard of this device... more details please.willywanka said:you can get filters with tray at the bottom that will take care of alot of your waste that sinks to the bottom .......... you dont need to vaccume weekley because i cant think the fish enjoy you playing in their water all the time and if u do HAVE to then you have too many large fish in a small area wich i think would cause much stress ont he fish more than you vacuming every week ............ accomadate for all your fish give them more room than they actually require would be the best advice i could give you ...... i mean they didnt make the choice to be cramped in a tank ......also with my experince all these fish sharing this little place gets them very adgetated ...... heres you an example one of my father's larger female guppies harrasing too nice sized gold fish !!!!