Beginner Questions... Confused About Bettas!


New Member
Apr 2, 2009
Reaction score
Portsmouth, UK

Well i best start from the beginning...

My OH has been going on about getting fish for ages so for his birthday (Tues gone) i suprised him with a 50L/ 10g tank with filter heater everything but fish.

He was exstatic and that day i took him to go and investigate about what fish he wanted.
Suprise suprise he has fallen in love with the red Betta ( i think it was called a siamese fighter in the aquarium?)
Anyways i have been reading around the threads and FAQ's and still have some questions:

Plants: What type do betta's prefer? i have read somewhere that they like the long leafed ones to nibble?
Size: how many other fish (obv depending on size) can we have in the tank with him?
Friends: can you really not put neons in with a betta? i have read so many people do and have no probs yet i have also heard that they dont get on well?
Also he was thinking of putting a pair of dwarf gouarmi in there too??

as for a algae eater he keeps talking about getting a cat fish. im aware these can grow to considerable sizes so was wondering whether a smaller pleco would be better for this community?

Thanks for reading and sorry if i seem usless im new to all of this and want to get it right! :)
Gouramis are a definite no no and neons don't usually go over well either. Some pygmy cories would be excellent to occupy the lower half of the tank.
Bettas do not eat plants, so nibbling will not occur. They eat fish food like other fish. Many people use Hikari betta pellets or attisons betta pro. I use Nutrafin mini granules.

Real plants are best. Cabomba, Hygrophillia, Java fern, Java moss, moss balls, Amazon swords ect. Most basic "low light" plants will do absolutely fine. Make sure there are plenty of them, not just a couple.

You have to be careful what other fish you put with them. VERY careful.

Neons are NOT suitable. They prefer quite large groups, and thus need more space than 10 gals, they are also very nippy fish and will chew the bettas fins.

Gouramis of any kind are NOT suitable. They are well known for not getting along with bettas.

You do not need an algae eater unless you have algae. Which you won't have in a new tank. The only algae eater suitable for a 10 gal tank is an Otocinclus. They need to be in groups of 3 or more, but your tank will not support them as you need a good mature tank for them to do well. I'd forget about them for a long while seeing as the tank is new.

A good choice of fish would be something Like Galaxy Rasboros if you can get them They are very small and a group of around 6 will be fine.

If your boyfriend wants catfish then the only thing you can really put in 10 gals that is safe with a betta is Pygmy Cories. They are sweet tiny little cories, and you need a group of about 8. A sand substrate is better for them, although they also do ok on smooth small size gravel.

Shrimp and snails are safe . An apple snail will brighten up the tank, as will some Amano , Ghost or cherry shrimp.

Tankmates aren't absolutely nessecary, but the ones I have mentioned should be fine.

You will need to add any tank mates BEFORE the betta. About a week before is best. That way, he won't see them as a threat to his territory, and will more than likely leave them alone as to him, they will just be part of the decor.

Since the tank is new, don't forget to cycle your filter.
thanks for you reply.

lots of plants. thanks for the suggestions.

as for the fish i have let the BF know and he is now pondering. i think he has his heart set on tetras and has got the wrong impression obviously from friends who have smal 30l tanks with 5 neons in.

he likes the look of those Galaxy Rasboros and it would be nice to have a small group of them.

when you say to add them before would you think a week would be ok? or longer?

As for the cycling our filter: already doing so. has been going for a while now. sometime next week we are going to get it tested by the aquarium and we hope it will be ready.

oo another question...
when going to buy the betta do you have any advice on what to look out for?
If by cycling you mean that you filled it and let the filter run, this is not enough. Your water will test fine but this is because you have nothing in it. Check out the Cycling section on the beginners resource guide here.
Here's a few things to look out for.

Deep, rich body colors

No visible ulcers, boils, or skin problems

No visible scars or wounds

Long and flowing, or short and erect fins; not fins that are ragged,
torn, missing, collapsed, or clamped close to the body

Flat, smooth scales, not protruding from the body

Well-rounded stomach, but no swelling in the abdominal area

Body of normal girth, neither bloated nor emaciated

Visible excreta (fish waste) that is dark, not colorless

Clear eyes, neither clouded nor protruding from the sockets

No visible external parasites, such as ich (small white dots) or velvet
(a dusty gold mist)

A healthy Betta will:

Swim horizontally, with its head neither elevated nor lowered

Swim without effort

Swim throughout the entire length of the aquarium, not lurk in cor-
ners or hide behind decorations

Breathe normally, not heave rapidly or gulp for air
:flowers: thank you!
i shall print that off and take it with us :)

need to find somewhere that stocks the galaxy rasboros i will phone around tomorrow.

and were doing the fish food cycling. i dont think you have it on here but we have read up on it somewhere else and we will be checking the levels before going out to buy fish. i know if the tank isnt cycled there will be no fish added.
i dont like the idea of using some poor fishies that are hardy :angry:
Where abouts in the UK are you Blondie? Tri-mar in Cornwall virtually always have Galaxies in :good:
Ah, have you heard of Dpfishways in Christchurch, Bournemouth? The owner is Modaz on this forum. He has Galaxies in some times :good:
Hi i'm from bordon so not that far from you. The lfs i use the most is maidenhead aquatics@farnham (not actually in farnham, they're just outside bordon). I have never had any problems with any of the fish i have bought from there and the staff are really good. I also went to maidenhead aquatics at chichester, i got a lovely male betta from there. The ones i would avoid are liss aquatics at hilliers and jolleys in waterlooville, oh and squires at badshot lea, they are all renound for diseased fish and the staff do not have a clue. I have 4 copper harlequins in my female betta tank and they get on fine. With my males i only keep shrimp of various sorts and dwarf sucker fish. I think im definately gonna have to make a day trip to bournemouth and find modazs shop!! Anyways hope you and your boyfriend find the fish you want and that the tank goes well x
Thanks for that! think its a maidenhead aquatics i saw! think we are going to have a looksy on Sat what stock people have where and get the tank mates first. think some galaxys.

ooo its sooooo exciting!!!! the tank is all sad and lifeless (apart from its bacteria)
we want movement! ;)
Blondie - Modaz has Galaxies in his shop at Bournemouth :good:

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