Beginner Plants?


New Member
May 15, 2012
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Hi All,

Just after some advice on planting my tank please.

I am currently cycling (fishless) and wish to add plants at some point. I have read lots of advice that says yes you can do this during the cycle and some which says no you cannot.

I did want a fair number of plants probably about 50-60% of the substrate covered if that makes any sense. I dont know if this qualifies for a planted tank and thus is not really in need of cycling?

My tank is a Juwel Trigon 190. It has 2 lights in which came with the setup. 1 is a Day light tube and one is a High light tube. Both are 26W. I have also added a couple of inches of 'Aqua grit' and then a fine gravel of about 1 inch on top.

The plants I have seen which claim to be fairly easy to care for and are thinking about getting are as follows

Echinodorus Red special (I had been advised off red plants but it would add variety)
Vallisneria spiralis
Echinodorus bleheri
Echinodorus tenellus

I dont really want an expensive CO2 setup so I guess I am looking at low tech? Would liquid carbon suffice?

welcome to the site

With the set up you mention, you should be able to run this low tec, it's probably a case of start things off, observe & adjust
as for cycling with plants try a read of this
The plants you mention should be fine in a low tec set up, Echinodorus are an easier plant to start with.
Some people can grow Vallis, others struggle, it seems to prefer slighlty harder water, but will adjust to softer in time.Try it and see.
A lot of this side of the hobby would seem to be trial & error, until you find out what works for you.
Other easier plants are stuff like Java Fern & Anubias (which need to be tied to wood/rocks) & Cryptocorynes
There's a lot to read on tinternet but this whole section on our site may start you off PARC
Hi All,

Just after some advice on planting my tank please.

I am currently cycling (fishless) and wish to add plants at some point. I have read lots of advice that says yes you can do this during the cycle and some which says no you cannot.

I finished my fishless cycle about 5 weeks ago and added my plants in the last week of the cycle (when there was a fair amount of nitrates in the tank).
I havn't used it myself but i hear Eleocharis acicularis is quite easy to care for and from what i've seen, it looks really nice.

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