hi guys so ive set up my tank its a rekord110 everything is ready to go i have 3 small catfish in there 5 small tetras 2 mollies and my huge goldfish who has taken to the temp etc, my filter is getting really clogged up and some say its due to my goldfish?? also i have tested the ph which is fine but how can i do further tests to make sure everhtin is cool any kits to get etc? also i need an aquirium hoover for the bottom of the tank any ideas would be great?
bug mania
Hello and welcome to the fourm. I am not sure about your fish combination so I will leave that up to the more experienced people to comment on. However, the first question that needs to be answered is ... Did you cycle your tank before adding fish? If your answer is no or are not sure then you are now in a fish-in cycle. The following link is to the "Beginners Resource Center" which is esentially fish keeping 101 ... it has a lot of very good information and talks about cycling your tank with fish.
As for your filter getting clogged it may be due to the goldfish, I have never kept them myself, but I have heard that they are "dirty" fish. You may want to rinse out you filter media, make sure to rinse it in tank water. When you do your water change just rinse the filter media in the water you removed from your tank ... that should help to elimate the clogging that you have but it probably won't prevent it from happing again.
As for testing, there are 4 crucial tests (espically if cycling the tank) ammonia, nitrAte, nitrIte and your pH. Most people on the fourm advise using a liquid test kit, API seems to be the popular choice. They are readily available on-line and in most stores (at least in the US, not sure about UK though). They run around $30 us dollars, a little more expensive then the test strips but much more accurate and realible.
As for an aquarium hoover, you can find them on line or in most pet stores that sell aquarium supplies. In the states they range in price from $5 to $50 depending on the size, brand and how "hi-tech" they are. If you can't find one try looking on-line for "Gravel Vacuuum" or "Gravel Siphon". But they are pretty much available anywhere so just ask you local fish store chance are they sell them.
Also you may want to try moving this to new to the hobby ... I would do it for you but I am not sure how.
Hope that helps and again welcome.