Beginner in fish keeping

Albinos cories get how big? Like three inches? Three of them would push his stocking limit right there. However I'm currently keeping four cories in a ten gallon, plus some guppies, so it can be done with the right filtration. And I know a cory whose lived alone for almost a year because the people won't get anymore, and he hasn't died yet, though he is lonely as hell.

Personally, I'd get rid of the danios, trade the albinos in for dwarf cories if you can, if not invest in some ghost shrimp as they do the same job and don't create the same amount of waste, keep the frogs (as they are cool!) and the platies (if you like them) and get about two more. If you could maybe trade in any females you have for males, so babies will not be an issue.

However, you said this tank is heavily planted, plus I don't think you mentioned what sort of filtration you have, so I really can't say for sure whether you are overstocked or not. Size wise, probably, bio... I dunno. What's your definition of heavily planted?

And to the snails, I forgot those were the type that live in the gravel, I kept picturing those huge types of snails :S Wish I had those snails...... :whistle:
Thanks for the input you guys!

My tank is planted with a with a lot of low light plants (java fern etc..) that grows really slowly so it probably wouldn't filter my water very well. :shifty:

My tank and filter are from a Aqua tech combo pact (walmart)..... they are probably not that great but I'm on a buget! (college student over here!) I'm not with my tank right now but I think it is a hanging power filter for 10-15 gallons.

The corys are small right now ( 1 inches) But I think I would like to trade it in for smaller bottom dwellers. I just want more bodies of fishes, so i'll start looking for smaller fishes. Neons?? too early ? too much?

I need color!!!!

Zebras gone
Pleco gone
tadpole snail gone
planning on getting smaller bottom dwellers to replace corys (suggestions) Panda cory? octos?

I'm keeping the 3 frogs....their the coolest thing in there!

Its all about The ADF!!!! don't hate!

2 platys, apple snail and the other 6 snails. ( all snails in there is less than an inch right now.)

hmmmm. ........ seems a little empty..... :crazy:

The only thing the see around are my platys and apple snail, everything else is too shy to come out intill feeding time.

also I can't get a bigger tank anytime soon or intill I get a career.

So thats out of the question.

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