Beginner Coral


Fish Fanatic
Jun 6, 2005
Reaction score
Manchester, UK
My tank is now up and running. I'm using live rock etc, and intend to gradually stock it with some reef-safe fish.
Can anyone suggest any suitable inverts for a beginner?
Particularly for a common clown to "live in"?


btw, I'm using 2xT5 tubes (white & blue)
Hi ya Stonker

Most Inverst are Fine for beginners, I would stay away from Cucs, Stars, Urchins etc at the mo

But Most Snails are fine ie.Turbo, Cerith or Crabs ie Red or Blue Leg Hermits

Also Shrimps - I really like Cleaner Shrimps

I would Acclimites that lot for a couple of hours at least

:D :D :D
Green star polyps (GSP), zoanthids, xenia, most photosynthetic soft corals really. Often you can get frags for really good prices from other reefers in your area since these all grow well (have a look on some of the big UK forums).

However be careful where you put them (especially the encrusting ones GSP) since these can grow quickly and limit space for corals you might want to add later.
:D :D :D :D

No probs

There are loads of really nice Corals suitable for beginners

My Fav's are Muchies - Especially Ricordea muchies, have a look at Live Aquaria, this will give you pics and suitablility

But the likes of Muchrooms, Leathers, Polyps are all suitable for beginners


Hope these help

:) :) :)
oohhh Dont let Nav & Sh see you adding a nem to your tank yet, they would string up up by your :*)

Unfortunatley your tank is way to young for a Nem and they are IMO a pain in the A..

My clows host in some Red Muchies I have and there are loads of other corals that clowns will host in but hosting aint necessary for clowns anyway

:D :D
I didn't even mention it ;)

So I take it they're difficult to look after?

A coral will be fine, I'm just getting a clean-up crew and a clown initially :)
Please dont add an anemone yet, they are strictly expert only and wont survive in a new tank, a muturee tank atleast 12 months old is needed
UH oh...did I make the stereotype of 'anemone police'? LOLOLOL. That's funny. The other 'social guard' is the tang police. LOL. Anyway, hardy safe corals to start out with already mentioned above:

ricordea florida or yuma

I would avoid yellow colony polyps, xenia and GSP...they are hardy, but, grow quickly and could be weed like.

Avoid LPS until you have a handle on things ..brains, trumpets, candy canes, then when you have your water husbandry/above coral care down, you could try them.

Avoid anemones, elegance, galaxea, goniopora and hammer for now...long sweeper tentacles. Clown fish do just fine without anemones. If you MUST have a host...look into frogspawn or plerogyra, but, I wouldn't call these beginner corals. SH
Ok, I was advised by the LFS to go for this...


A small-ish Cauliflower. He's sat waving away quite happily so far.
Do you think this will be ok?
He also mentioned that I should perhaps get some supplements. Any recommendations?
It's in a water flow.

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