Fish Addict
Those look like a good place to start - you can always add more if your flow isn't enough.
Unfortunately a good skimmer does cost! I have had good results with both Deltec & aquamedic but that doesn't mean that a cheaper alternative won't work. The one that you have linked to looks like a copy of the Deltec HOB ones - maybe someone Stateside will be able to tell you how good they are.
Sumps are good to add volume to your system (& mean you could use the other skimmer that you linked & hide other equipment out of your tank) but you will need extra equipment - some method of draining the water to the sump & a pump to get it back
Fuges are a very worthwhile addition & you may well be able to modify your existing HOB filters...I would wait for LLJ as she is the fuge expert.
Don't apologise about asking questions - it is how we all learn!
Unfortunately a good skimmer does cost! I have had good results with both Deltec & aquamedic but that doesn't mean that a cheaper alternative won't work. The one that you have linked to looks like a copy of the Deltec HOB ones - maybe someone Stateside will be able to tell you how good they are.
Sumps are good to add volume to your system (& mean you could use the other skimmer that you linked & hide other equipment out of your tank) but you will need extra equipment - some method of draining the water to the sump & a pump to get it back
Fuges are a very worthwhile addition & you may well be able to modify your existing HOB filters...I would wait for LLJ as she is the fuge expert.
Don't apologise about asking questions - it is how we all learn!