Sothoth, The heat issue and the price were the main reasons I stayed away from halides. I could have bought the halides but then i would have needed to pay the same again for a chiller, and these are not inexpensive here in the UK. Even with T5's I have heat issues in the summer, I dread to think what it would be like with MH.
I'd be more than happy to answer any questions you might have about setting up your anem tank, not that Im any kind of expert!, but im alway glad to help a fellow reefer.
I'll tell you a bit about my set up, 40us gal (36x15x18), between 30-40kg live rock, 5cm sandbed. Lots of macro algea growth.
Aquamedic multiSL skimmer powered by 2000lph pump, 1200lph external filter filled with live rock, ALOT of phosphate remover, de-nitrate and carbon with attached surface skimmer. two 920lph powerheads (intakes covered with foam).
Live stock, pair of clowns, yw goby with shrimp and yasha haze goby with shrimp. yellow wrasse, orchid dottyback, flasher wrasse.
Sexy shrimp, anemone shrimp, anemone and non-anemone porcelin crabs, hermit crabs, boxer crab, blue cbs, serpant star, sand sifting cumber, filtering cucumber. other things I cant remember. No cleaners though, they are aggresive and steal food from the anems, One cleaner actually killed a small sand anem by constantly picking at it.
Only coral I have left (after trying alot, and to my regret killing them) green star polyp, a few yellow zoanthids a rampant purple gorgonian and a small montipora sps that refuses to give up!
I feed the fish heavily, twice a day either mysis, cycopeeze or pellets and sometimes live brine shrimp. I also dose phyto 4 times a week. The anems feed on the mysis and other foods, but i target feed them twice a week with lance fish, mussels, squid or prawns.
My parameters are temp 80F, sg 1.26-27 (higher than average, but it helps with the rise in summer, as the temperature isnt rising by so much). water i use is Ro filtered succesivly through 10, 5 and 1 micron prefilters, then through a carbon block, then through an ro membrane before being polished through DI resin, so its very pure to start with.
I change 5uk gallons a week, made up of tropic marine salt. Top up water is Ro with buffers to keep up pH and KH and also added calcium and iron (for zooxanthalae)
Ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and phosphate are 0, tested at marine lfs. pH is between 8.0-8.2, KH is low at 8-9.
Anything else feel free to ask