a skimmer removes organic matter from the tank, next time your at the till look behind you theres one on the shelf its in the yellow box that says berlin on it thats what they look like 
Just want to fix a few things
Lionfish can only be kept with Bluethroat, Pinktail, or Niger triggers. Lionfish can not be kept with puffers. Puffers can be kept in A FO or FOWLR tank because they barely ever puff or release toxins.
Live rock is a good means of filtration but you still need a protien skimmer in anything over a 12 gallon tank.
Most marine fish should be fed 2 times a day if u feed a little and 1 time every day if u feed a lot
My fish are lucky if I feed them once a week, but I can get way with it because I choose my fish according to my tank and not what looks pretty.3fsh said:• Marine fish should be fed at least 2-3 times a day otherwise they become thin and malnurished. (IME and IMO)