Here are a few tips:
• 1in of fish per 4 gallons of water
• Anemones are for very experienced marine keepers (even then they aren't really that good of an idea because they are very tempermental)
• Good beginning tank size is at least a 25g
• Live rock is the best/most natural means of filtration
• Lionfish and triggerfish should UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES be kept together
• "Dory" fish are not appropriate for small tanks because
a. they need a lot of room to swim
b. they grow very large
They only reason it would be acceptable (IMO) to keep one in a small tank is if it (the fish) is tiny and you have a large aquarium waiting for it.
• Marine fish should be fed at least 2-3 times a day otherwise they become thin and malnurished. (IME and IMO
• Pufferfish, boxfish, and nudibranchs are big no-no's unless they are in a species only tank. (If you are willing to risk killing the rest of the fish in the tank when they get stressed, then they're fine.)
Hmmmm... can't think of anything else at the moment. I'm sure it'll come to me later, though.