I know you agree
fish seems better but haven't seen it eat yet even,
do you know how their mouths open and and go in and out a bit when they come up for food?
that's what their doing to each other hues their trying to bite like bribones said.
On a nother not we are only feeding them everysecond day as suggested by the lfs, but that completely contradicts the package that says I think five t imes a day, the lfs said only every second day cause then they eat the bugs and the pond bottom has been earthworm free for a while so they are, just thought i'd double check
do you know how their mouths open and and go in and out a bit when they come up for food?
that's what their doing to each other hues their trying to bite like bribones said.
On a nother not we are only feeding them everysecond day as suggested by the lfs, but that completely contradicts the package that says I think five t imes a day, the lfs said only every second day cause then they eat the bugs and the pond bottom has been earthworm free for a while so they are, just thought i'd double check