before fish questions

fish seems better but haven't seen it eat yet even,

do you know how their mouths open and and go in and out a bit when they come up for food?
that's what their doing to each other hues their trying to bite like bribones said.
On a nother not we are only feeding them everysecond day as suggested by the lfs, but that completely contradicts the package that says I think five t imes a day, the lfs said only every second day cause then they eat the bugs and the pond bottom has been earthworm free for a while so they are, just thought i'd double check
They will eat aquatic foods, like larve etc. This is an important part of their diet, but with several fish eating in a smallish pond these resources can often be lost IME, so its always a good idea to keep the pond well planted and have a substrate so aquatic insects have a chance of surving for a while. I also therefore think feeding them once a day helps so that the live foods supplys aren't depleted but it really depends on the stocking levels of each pond. :)
Thanks again ryan,

We seem to have some eggs on the fake floating plants in the pond,So mkore questions
What does this mean? are they likely to be fertilized? considering they are from a pond could I feed them to my nimbochromis venustus(predatory african lake malawi utaka species)? How do we take care of the eggs and such? Smallest fish is just over 6 inches maybe a little more and the one long finned red comet was about 1.5 times the size that one the other three were in between.

Also, The sick fish has been less active again and was spotted floating on his side?
Well if these are Goldfish eggs than they should be removed immediatly and placed in water no deeper than 6" and of the same temperature as the pond. After this gradually raise the temp to 70C and they should hatch in 3-4 days. The eggs that appear almost clear are fertile, the others are likely to have white fungus on them. After 48 hours of hatching they are ready to be feed on commercail liquid foods, then onto Baby brine shrimp and infusoria and so on. If you do not want to raise them you may be able to feed them to your fish, but I would not use unfertalized eggs, it may not be worth the risk? :)
Good News about the baby fish, best of luck. :)

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