Because I Like To Show Off...

That's an awesome tat!
Very cute. :D

I've never gotten one for 2 reasons.
I'd never be able to decide what to get.
And I have a horrible fear of needles. :D
Haha! I was considering getting a tattoo.... maybe I'll get a betta!

Sorry to say but I don't really, er, much like your tattoo :blush: I mean the idea is cool and all.... but your betta doesn't really look betta-y. Looks kinda goldfishy.
looks good! i dont want any though cause when im 80 it'll look deformed and horrible lol

My skin is getting wrinkly now! Would love just a tiny tattoo in a very discreet place...trouble is hubby probably wouldnt notice it without his glasses on. :lol: :lol: just keep using the temporary ones. :sly:
Argh I'm so jealous the tatts are stunning! I now want another one but I'm running out of room!

For those of you that are worried about what it will look like when your 80 stop worrying by then they'll have perfected its removal or you could just get it somewhere like your back where you wont be able to see it :lol:

Liz2: You should go ahead and get one after all you only live once!
i love it! really different :good:

I'm after some more tat's soon, got 6 already though, I'll run out of room soon. Luckily my sis is a tatoo artist so I can get them dirt cheap now ;) :D
haha those are cool!

besides, when we all hit 80 everyone in the homes will be covered in tattoos, piercings, the lot, it'll be the ones without ink that look odd!
I'm not concerned about what my tattoos will look like when I'm 80 because of the fact that I probably won't live that long. And if I do, at least they will have looked beautiful for at least 40 years. I figure they'll start looking funky around 60, and I'm 21. So a good 40 years isn't too bad.

I am only getting things that mean something to me, or symbolize things that mean something to me. Right now I only have 3. But I know of 2 more that I will get at some point. I just don't know when.
Are we really going to be -that- concerned with what we look like when we're 80 anyway?? :lol:

I totally want a tattoo. :D I'm old enough to get one but my parents would have a conniption so I'm just gonna wait until I move out. :p
Are we really going to be -that- concerned with what we look like when we're 80 anyway?? :lol:

I totally want a tattoo. :D I'm old enough to get one but my parents would have a conniption so I'm just gonna wait until I move out. :p

Yeah, I'm 21 and I haven't told my mom about this one yet. She found out about my first one when I was pregnant (2 years ago). She may have found out about my second one (I got it day after Christmas 05) in the last month or so when I wore a tanktop in front of her. but she didn't say anything so I don't know. But I'm not going to just come out and tell her or show her this new one. If she finds out, oh well. If not, no biggy. :shifty:

When she found out about the first one she freaked out in the maternity store and told me that she hoped my kid kept stuff from me like I do from her. I got it after I turned 18 so it's not like I really needed her permission...but she's just kinda like that.
Great tattoos!

Sorry for being nosey though but, why Twin? And where are the good places to go for if my dad lets me get one! (I live an hour north of Twin in a tiny nothing town, so i go down there regularly to shop.)
haha those are cool!

besides, when we all hit 80 everyone in the homes will be covered in tattoos, piercings, the lot, it'll be the ones without ink that look odd!

Your right there!

Fuman_ Chica: Your like me and my friend not telling parents i'm 24 and I still feel like I have to hide any new tattoos as my parents think I'm crazy and stupid for getting them! Only problem with tattoos is that once you have one you want more and then you need to find a line when to stop getting them done!

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